Chapter 12: The Puppet's Dance

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Within the confines of the laboratory, Doctor watched with keen interest as Midoriya, transformed into a twisted creation, stood ready to carry out his commands. The room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of Doctor's pen scratching against the notepad in his hand.

"Midoriya, attack" Doctor's voice resonated through the chamber, his eyes fixated on the obedient vessel before him.

Without hesitation, Midoriya sprang into action, his body moving with a calculated precision. His movements were no longer marked by the fluidity and grace that had once characterized his fighting style. Instead, they were cold and mechanical, lacking any trace of the fiery determination that had once burned within him.

As Midoriya launched a series of strikes, Doctor observed with clinical detachment. Each punch, kick, and quirk activation was meticulously analyzed. Doctor made notes, scribbling down observations about his speed, strength, and the effectiveness of his newfound abilities. It was a cold and detached evaluation of the puppet he had created.

Midoriya's attacks were precise and powerful, showcasing the devastating combination of quirks that had been forcibly implemented within him. The remnants of One For All, mixed with other stolen abilities, created a deadly arsenal that Midoriya wielded without hesitation or moral conflict.

Time and time again, Midoriya executed Doctor's commands flawlessly, his reaction time and coordination impressing even his captor. It was a chilling sight, witnessing the complete subjugation of a once-heroic spirit. Midoriya's eyes remained devoid of light, his expression emotionless, as if he were nothing more than a vessel programmed to obey.

As the test came to an end, Doctor approached Midoriya, a calculating gleam in his eyes. He stood inches away, scrutinizing his creation with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction. "Remarkable," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your obedience is flawless, Midoriya."

Midoriya stood there, his body slightly hunched, waiting for the next command. He made no attempt to speak, no sign of resistance or defiance. His voice had been silenced, his will broken. He had become a mere pawn, existing only to carry out the League's bidding.

Doctor's lips curled into a sinister smile. "You will be the embodiment of our power. An unstoppable force that will strike fear into the hearts of heroes and civilians alike. With each passing day, your power will grow, Midoriya, until you become the ultimate weapon."

The transformed Midoriya remained silent, his eyes fixed on Doctor, the spark of his former self buried deep within. His body may have been reshaped and his will enslaved, but the flicker of resistance continued to smolder within him, waiting for an opportunity to ignite.

In that moment, as Doctor reveled in his creation's obedience, the stage was set for a climactic showdown. The heroes, driven by the knowledge of Midoriya's suffering, were gathering their strength to rescue their fallen comrade. And within the heart of their struggle, a transformed Midoriya would be forced to confront the puppeteer who had stripped him of his identity, his autonomy, and his very essence.

The battle for Midoriya's redemption, for the restoration of his true self, loomed on the horizon. The echoes of his former heroic spirit, though subdued, were far from extinguished. The puppet would dance to the tune of his captors, but deep within, a hero's heart yearned to break free, to reclaim its rightful place in the world.

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