Chapter 11: Unveiling the Truth

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The students of Class 1-A had been relentless in their search for Midoriya. Determined to uncover any clues that could lead them to their missing friend, they combed through every inch of their surroundings. It was during one such search that they stumbled upon a mysterious package tucked away in a hidden corner of the room.

Curiosity piqued, the students gathered around the package, their eyes filled with a mix of hope and trepidation. Carefully, they untied the string that bound it, revealing a worn-out video tape nestled within. It was a relic of a bygone era, but the sight of it brought a glimmer of anticipation to their eyes.

Without hesitation, they rushed to find a suitable device to play the tape. As the static-filled screen flickered to life, the room filled with a tense silence. The image that appeared on the screen sent shockwaves through their hearts.

There, before their eyes, was Midoriya, trapped within the confines of an experimental tube. His naked form lay suspended between wakefulness and slumber, the soft rise and fall of his chest barely visible beneath the transparent liquid that surrounded him. Cables snaked out from his back, connecting him to a web of unknown purpose.

Gasps of horror and disbelief filled the air as the students witnessed the extent of Midoriya's torment. It was a haunting sight, one that etched itself deep into their minds, fueling a burning resolve to save their friend from the clutches of darkness.

Uraraka's hands trembled as tears welled up in her eyes. "Deku... what have they done to you?" she whispered, her voice laced with anguish.

Bakugo, usually brimming with fiery rage, clenched his fists, his face a mask of determination. "Shigaraki... I'm going to kill that bastard" he growled, his voice filled with a newfound resolve.

The rest of the class exchanged solemn glances, their expressions a mix of sorrow, anger, and unwavering determination. The sight of their friend, stripped of his dignity and subjected to unspeakable horrors, ignited a flame within each of them. They knew that they had to stand together, to fight against the darkness that threatened to consume their friend and the world they held dear.

The video played on, showcasing Midoriya's vulnerability and pain. It revealed only a fraction of the atrocities he had endured, but it was enough to fuel their determination to save him. They vowed to bring an end to the villainous reign of the League of Villains, to rescue their friend from the clutches of despair and restore him to the hero they knew he could be.

With renewed purpose, Class 1-A prepared themselves for the battle that lay ahead. The mist of uncertainty that had clouded their hearts began to dissipate, replaced by a resolute determination to bring justice to those who had wronged their friend.

Their search for Midoriya had brought them face to face with the grim reality of his captivity. But it also ignited a spark within them, a fierce resolve to fight for their friend and the ideals they held dear. As they stood united, they knew that their journey would be arduous, but they were ready to face any obstacle to save Midoriya from the clutches of darkness and restore hope to their world.

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