Chapter 19: A Sinister Game

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Shigaraki's anger burned brightly as he watched the heroes tend to the sedated Midoriya. But amidst his frustration, a wicked smile crept across his face. An idea, twisted and malevolent, began to take shape within his mind.

In a sudden motion, Shigaraki retrieved a reinforced glass capsule filled with a mysterious blue liquid. He tossed it towards the heroes, who caught it with a mix of curiosity and caution. Aizawa, taking the lead, voiced the question that hung heavily in the air. "What is this?"

Shigaraki's smile widened, an unsettling glimmer in his eyes. "Consider it a game, heroes. That blue liquid has the power to restore Midoriya's physical form to normal. But here's the catch—his mind will remain under my influence."

The heroes exchanged worried glances, the weight of the decision pressing upon them. Aizawa's voice remained steady as he addressed Shigaraki. "Why would you give us this chance? What do you gain from it?"

Shigaraki's chuckle sent shivers down their spines. "Oh, it's simple. I enjoy seeing heroes struggle and suffer. This game allows you to try and rescue Midoriya's mind, to test your will and determination. But remember, you only have three months. After that, I will return, and Midoriya will belong to me completely and perhaps, with Doctor's help I always can make him go back to his Nomu form."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, a determined fire burning within him. "We won't fall into your twisted game, Shigaraki. We'll find a way to save Midoriya, body and mind."

Shigaraki's laughter echoed through the room. "That's the spirit! I look forward to seeing your futile attempts. Three months may seem like a long time, but rest assured, heroes, it will fly by faster than you can imagine."

With a final malevolent grin, Shigaraki disappeared through a portal, leaving the heroes to grapple with the weight of their newfound challenge.

Aizawa turned to the class, his gaze unwavering. "We have no choice but to play this game. Our priority is to find a way to break Midoriya free from Shigaraki's control, both mentally and physically."

The heroes nodded, their determination solidifying. They understood the immense task ahead, the race against time to free their friend from the clutches of darkness.

For the next three months, they would train, research, and relentlessly pursue any lead that could bring them closer to rescuing Midoriya. Every day would be filled with sacrifice, hope, and unwavering determination. They would not let Shigaraki's sadistic game break their spirits.

As the heroes braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, they forged a silent vow. No matter the cost, no matter the obstacles, they would save Midoriya. Together, they would fight to reclaim their friend's mind and soul, believing in the power of their bonds to triumph over the shadows that threatened to consume them all.

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