Chapter 16: Confrontation in the Abandoned Hospital

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Class 1-A, led by Aizawa, cautiously made their way through the dimly lit corridors of the abandoned hospital. The air was thick with tension as they encountered room after room filled with mysterious technological devices, a grim reminder of the League of Villains' twisted experiments.

Finally, they arrived in a vast room, its size dwarfing them in comparison. At the far end stood Shigaraki, a wicked smile playing on his lips, accompanied by a formidable Nomu. At first, the class didn't recognize the figure standing beside Shigaraki, obscured by the darkness.

Todoroki, his eyes narrowed, stepped forward. "Where is Midoriya? What have you done to him?"

Shigaraki's smile widened, and with a flick of his fingers, the Nomu lunged forward, its monstrous form charging at Class 1-A. Fear and determination intermingled on the faces of the students as they prepared for battle.

Bakugou, his fiery temperament on full display, unleashed his explosions with reckless abandon, aiming at the Nomu's arm. The explosive impact sent shockwaves reverberating through the room, momentarily halting the creature's advance. But Shigaraki's grin remained unfazed.

With an air of sinister amusement, Shigaraki spoke, his voice laced with dark satisfaction. "You fools. Don't you recognize your friend? Midoriya is right here before your eyes."

Confusion and disbelief rippled through the class as they tried to process Shigaraki's words. Their attention turned to the figure standing alongside him. It was Midoriya, but he was unrecognizable. His appearance was distorted, his once vibrant features now twisted and marred. The darkness in his eyes sent shivers down their spines.

Uraraka, her voice trembling, mustered the strength to speak. "Deku... is that really you?"

Midoriya, devoid of the warmth and spirit they once knew, simply stared back, his gaze cold and vacant. The gravity of the situation began to sink in, and a somber silence enveloped the room.

Aizawa, his gaze unwavering, stepped forward. "Midoriya, we've come to bring you back. We won't abandon you."

But Midoriya remained silent, an eerie stillness surrounding him. His obedience to the League of Villains, coupled with the darkness that consumed him, left his former classmates in a state of despair.

Undeterred by their shock, Aizawa activated his Quirk, Erasure, hoping to neutralize the Nomu's powers. The room filled with tension as Aizawa's eyes glowed, his Quirk suppressing the Nomu's abilities.

With a surge of determination, the remaining members of Class 1-A launched their counterattack. Todoroki unleashed his icy flames, Tokoyami commanded his Dark Shadow, and the others joined forces to bring down the formidable foe standing before them.

But the battle was far from over. Midoriya, once their comrade and now a pawn of the League of Villains, remained a formidable obstacle. As the clash continued, the students fought not only to protect themselves but also to ignite a spark within Midoriya, to remind him of the hero he once aspired to be.

Within the chaos and struggle, hope flickered. The bond forged in their days at U.A. High School, the memories of their shared dreams and aspirations, acted as a beacon, guiding them forward. They would not give up on Midoriya, even in the face of overwhelming darkness.

As the clash raged on, the battle for Midoriya's soul intensified. Class 1-A fought with all their strength, desperately hoping that their unwavering spirit would rekindle the spark of heroism within their lost friend.

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