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Italics are Victoria's/Henry's thoughts


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Victoria's POV:

I rolled over as I felt the sun peek out of my curtains and onto my face. I opened my eyes and saw Henry laying there sleeping peacefully. Last night had been magical, it felt more passionate than our consumation had been. Henry's eyes opened and looked over towards me, he grinned. "Good morning, love how did you sleep?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"I slept amazing last night, but I think we must get up and fulfill our duties as King and Queen now." I replied giggling.  He sighed and sat up, dressing himself with the clothes he had worn last night. "Bye my love I will see you soon." Henry said kissing me on the cheek.

As he left I called my ladies in. They all looked like they were giggling at me. "Ladies settle down and help me please." I asked, playfully rolling my eyes. They all nodded and all started doing their different tasks.

Lady Natalie my bestfriend was the only one allowed to bath me so we made our way to the bath. As I laid in the bath Natalie drew for me she cleared her throat. "So how was your night with King?: She asked trying not to giggle. "It was pleasant, you know how desperate he was for his heir and now he needs his spare(s)." I replied, sighing as I felt the bloom of the warm water on my skin.

Natalie laughed as she helped me out of the bath and dried me off. I entered my chambers again in a robe and saw my ladies holding my dress, jewlery, and shoes. They chose a regal darkpurple gown and some white flats to pair. Dark purple earrings and a dark purple necklace really showed off my royalty.

"Ladies I want to go see my husband you can stay here but I do need two ladies to accompany me, Lady Beth and Lady Amelia please accompany me yo the Kings study please." They bowed and turned to follow me. I made my way into Henry's study as the announcer bellowed out my name. "Queen Victoria, Lady Beth and Lady Amelia." I entered and Henry stood, making his way over to me.

"Hello my love, I just finished my documents, do you need something?" He asked kissing my hand. "I want to talk about the marriage of the Seymour girl." I said sternly. He nodded an led me to a seat. "I want her gone from court, Henry." I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest.

Henry nodded he brought himself all the way down onto his knee, "I will have her married to Peter Lakewood, Earl of Huntingdon." He announced, holding my hand. "She will not burden you anymore." He kissed my cheek softly.

"Thank you love." I whispered gratefully. He nodded and smiled, standing up to go back to his chair. I stood up and gestured my ladies to follow me out, "Also, Henry im going to go visit our son, if you need me I will be with him." I told him. He nodded and smiled.

"Let's go see my joy." I said excitedly to my ladies. We entered the royal nursery where I saw Nicholas's nurse, Lady Mayfield, rocking him. "Hello Lady Mayfield." I said announcing my presence. She turned and looked at me doing a small curtsey. "Hello, your Majesty" She paused, "Here is your son." She handed him over to me.

"Oh my darling," I cooed, "Has he been feeding well?" I asked Lady Mayfield. "Yes he is an excellent baby, he never cries, and feeds well." She proclaimed.I nodded, smiling. "Of course my prince is doing so swell." I said nuzzling my nose to his. "Mommy loves you so much, sweet boy." I whispered, making my way to the rocking chair by his white crib.

Jane Seymour's POV:

"WHAT." I screamed out, reading the letter the Kings messenger has handed me. The messenger quickly scurried away out of my sight as my father and brother rushed over. "What is wrong my girl." John Seymour asked his daughter.

"The king has written saying that my marriage to Peter Lakewood, Earl of Huntingdon has been confirmed and will be happening." I cried out. John Seymour and Edward Seymours face dropped. "But you were supposed to seduce him back Jane!" Edward said frustrated with his sister.

"I tried!" I said, my voice cracking. "There's more." I whispered. "What is it girl go on." Edward demanded. "Grace shall stay here in the royal nursery, she will not be allowed to accompany me." I painfully said. Both of them seemed non-affected by this news. "Good she is nothing but a crying burden." My father muttered.

"There's one more thing." I said, reading the rest of the letter. "WE ARE BANISHED FROM COURT!" I shrieked. Both John and Edward gasped. "We are only allowed back twice a year once for Grace's birthday and once again for Christmas!" I whispered, handing the letter to my father, his eyes scanned over it and he took his glasses off, rubbing his forehead.

"Jane you must go talk to the King right now, to fix this mistake, I bet this is all the Russian harlots idea." Edward said gritting his teeth. Jane nodded angrily and rushed off to the Kings study.

This was a long chapter, almost 900 words! I liked writing this chapter to be honest, Jane being angry is funny, lol. I also recently started Game of Thrones so let me know if you guys are into that and I might write a fanfic about it after this one.

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