Chapter Two

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My attention was pulled from the hot barista by someone tapping on my shoulder repeatedly

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My attention was pulled from the hot barista by someone tapping on my shoulder repeatedly. Hard. The pretty barista's brown eyes flew to something behind me, and I sighed. With a frown, I turned to face whoever it was.

I froze as soon as I saw the familiar red hoodie.

This time, the hood was down, and I could see her face clearly in the bright coffee shop lights. And much to my irritation, she was a total babe. Her dark blonde hair was tied into a loose ponytail with fly-away strands hanging in her face. If I thought the blonde from earlier had pretty lips, she had nothing on this chick. These were dick-sucking lips. Too bad they only spewed bullshit and venom.

And her eyes - so clear blue they almost looked transparent - glared at me with pure hatred. They told me that if she could wipe me off the face of the earth, she would. She'd enjoy it too.

"You." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You." She spat out, and then she jabbed one long finger into the center of my chest. I looked down at it with an annoyed grimace. She wore no nail polish, yet her fingers looked so dainty and feminine - though they hardly felt dainty as they jabbed themselves into my chest. "You're a complete asshole, you know that?"

Was she still on about that? What the actual fuck? We stopped, didn't we? And whatever-her-name-was scurried off to tell her friends about what a bitch Hoodie Girl had been. Sure, I'd probably get another chance with her some other time, but my dick was still disappointed by the lack of blowjobs.

I glared at her. "Is this about before? Because I don't know if you noticed, but we stopped. Your cock-blocking efforts worked so you can stop being such a bitch about it."

"Oh nooo. This is about now. Your second offense today. That I know of." She held up two fingers in my face and I leaned back to avoid getting my eyeballs poked out.

"Yeah? And what's that?" I batted her hand out of my face and she got even more red.

"I'm aware that you think the entire world revolves around you and that we should all cater to your whims, but that's not how things work. You, fuckface, have been holding up this line for ten minutes-!"

"-Did you just call me fuckface-?"

"-Ten minutes! While we all wait for you to get your flirt-on and finally leave. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but it DOES NOT take 10 minutes to order one coffee. It doesn't even take five minutes. No, sir, but you - you disgusting, perverted asshole! - you just have to get your dick wet.

"You can't even wait until she's done with her shift or on her break. No, you must simply inconvenience us all. We have places to be, you know. Things to do. And you're singlehandedly wasting all of our time while we watch in pure agony as you try to charm the pants off of this poor barista. For once in your fucking life, can you think about something else besides you and your pathetic penis!" She finished her rant by angrily yelling the word "penis".

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