S1 E5: Prologue Part 5- A Pup After Ben's Own Heart! Greet Paw Patrol... GREEN!

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About six months after Skye joined...

Ages: Chase (3.5 years old), Marshall (3.5 years old), Skye (3.5 years old), Ben (14.5 years old), Ryder (13.5 years old)

"Got it, Katie. I'm heading into the junkyard now. I can hear Callie meowing... I'll call you if the situation changes." Ben answered over his phone before hanging up.

He sighed as he parked his motorcycle right outside the trash yard before going inside. Katie had called him to find Callie, who had wandered into the junkyard. He didn't feel the need to bother Ryder over this just yet; it was just a cat in a landfill area. Couldn't be that hard. While he trudged through the piles of scrap and abandoned objects, he sneezed. Then a furry little head popped up. A grey pup, mixed breed, poked his head out from behind a garbage can. He gave Ben a toothy grin and waddled up to him. Ben bent down on his knees and waved the little dog hello. "Hey, have you seen a cat around here? Purple fur, prissy attitude?" Ben asked.

The pup nodded. "Yeah, I saw her. Come on!" He answered, running off.

Ben followed close behind until they came up to a mountain of trash. Callie was meowing nervously on top of the pile of refuse. Ben studied the mound of discarded items and shook his head. "Drat, this looks too unstable. I can't climb it without risking it collapsing and injuring Callie." Ben murmured.

He looked back to see the pup was running up with some shiny tinfoil that looked kind of clean and smelled like fish. Said tinfoil was loaded into a small catapult constructed from wood, a gear, a cabinet drawer with a knob on it, a spatula, and a large wooden spoon. The pup placed his paw on the spatula, and the tuna-smelling tinfoil was launched to the top of the trash pile. Callie saw it, and her fears evaporated once the stink of the sea life hit her. She scampered down the refuse pile chasing after the tinfoil ball. Ben whistled in appreciation and looked back at the pup, who was looking extremely pleased with himself. "That's one fine contraption you have there, pup. What's your name?" Ben inquired.

"Rocky! And thank you! I got tons of them! Wanna see?" Rocky offered. Ben's interest was piqued.

Rocky led Ben to a little home made out of cardboard boxes, where he had made a bunch of stuff. There were cardboard swords, cool contraptions, dusty old pillows, and a lot of stuff that was in really good condition considering it was at the junkyard. "You made all this stuff? And you live here?" Ben asked in awe.

"It's not so bad. I just wish people would realize how much use a lot of this stuff could get. That's what I like to say. Don't lose it, reuse it!" Rocky chimed in.

Ben laughed as he patted Rocky on the head. "No way I'm letting you stay in this place! Grab everything that holds sentimental value to ya, Rocky. I know Ryder, Chase, Skye, and Marshall will love you." Ben promised. As he picked up Rocky and placed him in his motorcycle's basket as well as putting a mini helmet on the pup, he finally got a whiff of Rocky's smell. Needless to say, it wasn't pleasant. "But first, you need a bath!" Ben gagged.

At the mention of the word bath, Rocky cowered in fear. "Please no! I don't wanna get wet! N-not after the river!" Rocky whimpered.

"River?! What do you mean?" Ben asked, concerned.

"One day, it was raining really hard, and I was living in a different part of Adventure Bay. I fell into the river, and I barely got out..." Rocky murmured in terror.

"God... that's terrifying. But in order to get clean, you gotta get wet. I'll talk to Ryder, see if he can't get something small enough that you can't put your head under the water even if you tried." Ben sighed, petting Rocky reassuringly.

"Thanks, Ben." Rocky breathed in relief.

Katie texted back confirming Callie was with her, and Ben headed back to the tower. Ryder already had a small tub ready, the kind that the pups used for swimming. Gently, Ben placed Rocky in as the pup squirmed. "Don't worry, Rocky. You'll be dry soon enough." Ben comfortingly said as he began to wash the mucky mutt off.

As Ben cleaned Rocky up, he told Ryder about all the cool inventions that Rocky had made in the junkyard, and how his ingenuity had rescued Callie from the trash mountain. "Rocky, that's amazing! What else can you do?" Ryder exclaimed. Rocky puffed up his chest with pride.

"I can read! They left some old nursery books in the junkyard, I taught myself." Rocky announced. Ben was really impressed. None of the other pups could read real well yet.

"Ryder, why don't we make Rocky our eco pup? We did have a recycling oriented truck for a mechanic... I think Rocky could easily fill both roles." Ben earnestly suggested.

Ryder grinned as he gave Ben a thumbs up, and Ben pulled out the green recycling pup tag. Chase, Marshall, and Skye came in from playing. "Rocky, welcome to the team... Paw Patrol Green." Ben giggled as he wrapped the pup tag around Rocky's neck, before Rocky began to meet his new siblings.

I couldn't think of anywhere else than a junkyard for Rocky to pop up! I also tied in his dislike of water. I know in the series he doesn't fear the water, but I wanted to have a explanation for why he doesn't like being wet.

Rocky won't be afraid of water by the time that the main episodes roll around, but it'll still make him real uncomfortable. When it comes to swimming and stuff, that'll be something he has to avoid in future episodes.

Paw Patrol: Rescue ForceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora