S1 E8: Pups Save The Fall Festival! A New Addition To The Family!

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Three years after Rubble joined...

Ages: Chase (7 years old), Marshall (6 years old), Skye (7 years old), Rocky (6 years old), Rubble (5 years old), Zuma (5 years old), Ben (18 years old), Ryder (17 years old)

Ever since Rubble had joined, the PAW Patrol had flourished and grown. Ben and Ryder were approaching adulthood, and the pups had grown into their roles as rescuers quite well. Ben had grown quite proud of all of them, and he cared for all of the pups greatly. He still had special connections with Rocky and Marshall, but to him, Ryder and the PAW Patrol were family now.

Sure, they would often spend their days separated, and scattered throughout Adventure Bay, but overall, they were a family. They ate together, slept in the Lookout tower, and they worked together to save the citizens of Adventure Bay when their help was needed. No one new had joined the PAW Patrol in those three years, though they did have some other vehicles.

Ryder and Ben had continued to draft up projects. There was a sea lookout tower, a plane for them to use in case they needed to fly somewhere, and upgrades to the pup packs. Aside from Marshall's EMT equipment, though, they hadn't added anything to the pup packs. Ben also worked on his very own rescue suit, of which he had gone through several iterations. Basing it off of other heroes in this world, or tokusatsu shows.

Earlier that September day, he had been working on a morpher. It would give him a protective suit that would allow him to assist with rescues. He'd been struggling to make it work, but he didn't want to ask Ryder for help.

Meanwhile, Marshall and Chase were helping Farmer Yumi harvest her crop. Chase leapt up to a low hanging branch on one of the apple trees and made it pull down so Yumi could reach it. "How about this?" Chase asked, his voice muffled by the branch he was biting down on.

"Thanks, Chase! Oh, these beauties are perfect! Just in time for the fall festival." Farmer Yumi remarked. She breathed on the apple she had just plucked and rubbed it on her overalls, shining it up. "My apples are as sweet as can be." The farmer proudly said.

Marshal pushed a bucket over to the two of them. "I love, love, love apples, Farmer Yumi!" Marshall exclaimed.

"Don't forget our pumpkins!" Yumi added.

"I love pumpkins too! Especially in pies!" Marshall chuckled, grinning at the farmer.

Chase walked off to another tree and looked at it. "I can't reach any more branches." Chase said, a little disappointed.

"I can reach those branches easy. Watch!" Marshall boasted, before taking off and leaping on some hay bales to reach a branch. "Got it!" Marshall grunted, biting down on the branch.

"Wait! Marshall, those are too--!" Chase warned, but it was too late. The branch snapped back into its usual position, sending Marshall flying. "--sproingy..." Chase trailed off as he saw Marshall get thrown into the air.

Chase and Yumi followed Marshall to the barn, where they saw him bounce off of some hay bales, slide down Bettina, and land in pumpkins, where one landed on his head. "I'm okay!" Marshall yelled out.

"Marshall!" Chase shouted.

Farmer Yumi burst into laughter at the adorable sight of Marshall wearing a pumpkin for a hat. Then she saw Bettina, and got worried. "Oh no!" Yumi cried out.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean it all up!" The six year old dalmatian apologized.

The country girl shook her head in response. "No, no, Marshall. Pumpkin goop, that's something I can easily handle. It's the way Bettina's acting that is getting me worried." Yumi answered. Bettina mooed, and her tail was flapping around like crazy. "All that swishing and twitching means bad weather is coming. That won't be good for the apples, or the rest of the crops." Farmer Yumi continued. Pulling out her phone, she brought up the forecast, and groaned. "Yup, snow's coming. Cows always know." Yumi sighed.

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