S1 E20: Pups Save The Lighthouse! Finding Purpose for PAW Patrol Purple!

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October 29th, 2029

Today had been a long day for Alex and Ben. The wolf had been subjected to several trials and tasks in order for Ben to try and get a lock on what Alex's talent for the PAW Patrol was going to be. They had tried several things-- they tried all six of the main PAW Patrol member traits, and other talents such as trucking, tracking, and other specialties. Alex had gotten really interested in electricity, having found some books on it at the Adventure Bay Library and the Lookout tower. The wolf was really into it, but he wasn't sure how to tell Ben about his newfound passion. He mentioned it to Rocky, who was ecstatic about it. "You like electricity?! Maybe you could be an electrician, Alex!" Rocky suggested as he and Alex worked on the base of a vehicle.

"What's an electrician?" Alex asked his mixed breed pal.

"An electrician is someone who maintains and installs electrical equipment. They operate, maintain, and repair devices with wiring!" Rocky explained.

Alex's tail started to wag. "I don't know what all of those words mean, but I do like fixing things! Thanks Rocky!" Alex exclaimed happily.

The two shared a long talk about the intricacies and details of such a job, which only further confirmed Alex's interest and commitment to the idea. The next creature that Alex told about his new interest was Zuma. The white wolf cub ran up to Zuma, bouncing up and down with excitement. "Zuma, Zuma, Zuma!" Alex panted.

Zuma grinned as he waved hi with his paw. "Yo dude! What's up, Alex?" Zuma greeted his pal.

"I think I found out what I'm good at! Lightbulbs! And electricity! And electrician stuff!" Alex yelled out enthusiastically.

Zuma's tail started to wag too. "Duuuude, weally? That's awesome!" Zuma cheered, tackling Alex and beginning to play fight with the wolf cub.

The two were roughed up a little when they were done. It was getting late in the day, and they were planning on having a sleep-out under the stars tonight. The sun was setting... Currently the pups were all having fun while Ben sat down and enjoyed his ice water. Rocky and Rubble were playing tug of war with a pillow while Marshall, Alex, and Skye watched. Zuma was eating snacks while watching the spectacle, and Chase was attempting to get his sleeping mat rolled out. "I love sleeping under the stars!" Chase exclaimed as he tried to get his mat rolled out.

Zuma grinned as he saw he was down to the very last pup treat. "Last biscuit, who wants it?" Zuma called out. Marshall immediately let go of the pillow, which sent Rubble flying.

"I DO! I DO!" Marshall squealed.

"Got it!" Chase proudly said as his mat finally was flattened out and was not rolling back up... then Rubble collided with Chase and ended up trapping the pup inside the mat, getting him all rolled up in it.

"Sorry Chase!" Rubble apologized.

The pups all laughed at this as the sun went down over the ocean, the skies turning from orange to purple. Alex then saw something which got him worried. "The lighthouse!" Alex yelped.

The massive beam of light that usually shone from the top of Seal Island's lighthouse was gone. This caused worried murmurs from the rest of the group, including Ben. "That's not good... the Seal Island Lighthouse provides safe passage to ships that pass by during the night." Ben mused.

"That's tewwible!" Zuma gasped.

"How will the ships see if there isn't any light coming from the lighthouse?" Chase asked.

Ben stood up and struck a pose. "Looks like our evening under the stars might have to wait! PAW Patrol--!" Ben started to say.

All of a sudden, Ryder's voice came across their pup tags and communicators. "PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!" The seventeen year old boy cried out.

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