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Chase groaned as he was dumped into a kennel and thrown into the back of Butch's van, driven to some colorful building. The kennel was cramped and rather small, with no holes for him to look out of. The only thing he could see out of was the kennel door, so he had little to no idea of where he was. "You can't do this to me! I'm a member of the PAW Patrol!" Chase yelled desperately in an attempt to get out of this mess.

"Not anymore! Now you're just the sad little puppy who failed both of his adventure city rescues. Don't worry, you won't be alone! You'll have time to make some new feline friends, and your old puppy pals will be joining you soon enough!" Butch cackled as he tossed Chase's kennel in a room that was painted to look like a jungle.

"GOOD LUCK TRYING TO SOLVE THE CASE WITH A CLOGGED UP NOSE AND CONSTANT SNEEZING!" Ruben laughed maniacally, taunting Chase before slamming the door and leaving him in the room.

The German Shepherd's eyes widened in horror as the scent of cats hit his nostrils, causing him to sneeze. Great, his allergies were acting up. Now he was going to be coughing and sniffling and achooing for who knows how long. Chase could hear movement outside of his kennel and see shapes darting in front of his kennel door. "Hey, a dog! I haven't seen a dog in over two whole months!" A young male voice exclaimed.

"I hope he's nice. It'd be awful to be stuck in here with a mean mutt. Remember our last canine client, Hubcap? Real nasty piece of work." A female voice commented.

"He looks really scared... I'm going to get his cage opened up." A second female voice chimed in.

A black cat crawled in front of Chase's kennel door and some of her fur wafted inside his cage, causing him to sneeze. "S-stop! ACHOO! A-allergies..." Chase coughed out.

The black cat stopped for a second. "Oh no! Our new friend is allergic to us!? What are we going to do, Shade!?" The male voice asked.

The black cat, Shade, thought about it, and then resumed fidgeting with Chase's kennel door. "I-- ACHOO! Said stop!" Chase sneezed.

"Look, pup, if you stay in that kennel, you're not going to get any food or water, and you'll be getting whiffs full of cat hair soon enough. I have a solution for your allergy problem, it won't completely alleviate your sneezing but it'll make it manageable. This place used to be an obedience school, and before then it used to be an orphanage. Rory, Leo, and I have searched this room dozens of times to try and escape. We found a lot of stuff." Shade pointed out before the kennel door swung open, and Chase sneezed again.

Chase slowly walked up to the entrance of his kennel, and saw a room filled with kitten jungle gyms, a cupboard, and a cabinet. Chase sniffled. "How are you cats going to treat my allergies!?" The pup wondered.

"Rory, the cabinet." Shade instructed.

The white British shorthair cat leapt up onto the cupboard and used her claws to pry the doors open from the top. "Bottom shelf, there's a box. Open it up and put on one of the masks that's inside. Humans used it to block out allergens and viruses from getting in their nostrils. It should reduce the amount of sneezing our fur causes you." Shade told Chase.

Hesitating, he opened the box and put on the mask. He felt less... sneezy after that. "Now that you're out of that cage, we can introduce ourselves properly! Hi! I'm Rory, The black tuxedo cat over there is Shade, and the tabby is Leo!" Rory greeted Chase.

"Uh... thanks. What are you three doing here?" Chase wondered.

"We figured out the truth behind what's been happening in the city. Well, more so Rory and Shade. I'm kind of smart, but those two girls are really smart." Leo answered.

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