S1 E14: The Mayor's Balloon Race! Pup, Pup, And Away!

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October 9th, 2029

Today was a special day for Adventure Bay. It was a day of friendship and the spirit of good natured competition. October 9th was the annual Mayor Balloon Race. This was a yearly tradition held throughout the entire region. The towns in this area had created a tradition, where the elected leaders of the towns, the mayors, would compete against each other in a balloon race. The tradition was started by Grover Goodway in the late 19th century, and it had persisted to this very day.

Which brings us to his great granddaughter, Genevieve Goodway. She was the current mayor of Adventure Bay, and she was a real help to the community. Not just a politician who made empty promises, she carried through on her desires and vows to the community. She was well respected and liked throughout the entire town. Even after Genevieve began putting resources and money into the fire and police departments, she was able to attract few employees. Everyone who had experience had left the town, and no one was willing to try to build up the experience to serve as a firefighter or police officer.

Then, when her beloved pet chicken got stuck on top of the train station, she met the bravest group of young people and pups to ever exist: the PAW Patrol. They rescued Chickaletta, her lifelong companion that she had raised from a chick, and returned her safely to her. From then on, she had been a full supporter of the PAW Patrol. At times, her anxiety kicked in, and she called upon Ryder, Ben, and the canines for assistance or moral support. Today was one of those days that they would have to give her both of those. Her hands were covering her eyes, even though they were already shut tightly. "Why did I ever agree to a balloon race...? Not too high! Not too fast!" Mayor Goodway shrieked.

Ben and Ryder laughed at this. "You're still on the ground, Mayor Goodway!" Ryder pointed out with a smile on his face.

The mayor looked down to see the balloon hadn't even taken off yet. She chuckled nervously. "Oh, yes. Haha... hm. I need to get over this fear of heights. I have to uphold the tradition of the balloon race... but I can always keep my eyes closed." Mayor Goodway mused.

"Don't forget, Ryder will be there in the balloon with you. Not only that, but the pups and I will be supporting you from afar." Ben reminded the mayor.

She had become like a motherly figure towards them. "Thanks, you two." Mayor Goodway sweetly said, pressing a hand to her heart; she was truly touched that these two teens and their dogs would willingly take time out of their day to help her out.

"Okay. Ready to unroll, pups?" Ryder asked.

Chase, Rubble, and Alex nodded their heads. "Ready!" Rubble replied.

The bulldog, German shepherd, and white wolf cub pushed the rolled up balloon with their heads until it was all unfurled. Alex and Chase sneezed due to the dust that the balloon was covered in. "Uh oh! It's got a-- aaaah, achoo!" Chase exclaimed, getting cut off by a sneeze that sent him flying.

"The balloon is hurt!" Alex wailed as he saw there was a large hole in the balloon.

"It's got a rip, a real bad rip. This balloon won't hold air." Chase sadly said.

The thought of not even being able to compete, and having to listen to the gloating of that arrogant Foggy Bottom politician made her hand curl into a fist. "Oh, drat! That Henry Humdinger will win the annual Mayor's Balloon Race again!" Goodway groaned.

"Don't worry, we'll get this balloon ready in time for the race!" Ryder promised.

"Ryder is right. And you know our motto: no job is too big, no pup is too small!" Ben affirmed.

Glancing at Ryder, Ben received a nod and a thumbs up from the leader of the group. "I'll stay with Mayor Goodway. You can give the assignments out for the pups today." Ryder told Ben, giving him a reassuring smile.

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