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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Chase yelped as he shot up in bed, with Ben, Ryder, and the rest of the pups immediately waking up and running over to check on him.

The sun was beginning to shine on the city, but it was still rather early. Five in the morning. "Chase, what happened!?" Ben asked.

Chase started to break down, tears streaming down his face. "I had a nightmare..." Chase whimpered.

Everyone was awestruck as Chase began to recount the details of his dream. Ben and Ryder were horrified at the tale. "Oh god..." Ben whispered.

Ben and Ryder knew that Chase had been through a lot in his puppy years, and that the incident yesterday had been rather terrifying for him. But Ben didn't expect it to have impacted Chase this badly. "Chase, I know that's scary, but you need to know that won't happen in real life." Ryder soothingly said.

"H-how do you know that won't happen?" Chase whined.

"We'll make sure it won't. Even if the scenario from your dream plays out like that in reality, we won't send you alone to do that job. And if push comes to shove... we can always go Mighty." Ben promised.

Chase sighed as he was petted by Ryder and cuddled by the other pups. "T-thanks, everyone." Chase gratefully said.

"Hey Ryder, let's go and get some breakfast from the cafeteria downstairs." Ben suggested.

Ryder looked at him and then realized that Ben was trying to pull him to the side for a conversation without the pups. Nodding his head, Ryder stood up and followed Ben. "We'll be back really soon, pups." Ryder assured.

As they walked down the staircase, Ben making sure that none of the pups followed them, Ryder and Ben began to discuss Chase. "I'm really worried about Chase's mental state. The mistake he made with his parachute yesterday must have really affected his mental health badly. Should we... sideline him?" Ben asked.

Ryder shook his head rapidly in response. "Absolutely not. If we put him on the sidelines, we'll make him feel useless, and that's the last thing he needs right now. Remember how he got when he wasn't called on for a rescue for two weeks?" The spiky haired teenager reminded.

Ben nodded his head as the memories played in his head. Chase had gotten really upset when they had several rescues over the course of two weeks, and none of them needed him. If it weren't for Zuma giving him a talk, since he was the most situational pup as their water rescue specialist, then Chase might have done something unpredictable. Chase absolutely loathed being useless, and when he didn't get called on for multiple rescues in a row, or was injured and unable to help the team, he got upset and irritable. If he was put off on the line now ... it would be disastrous. "We just have to be careful and keep an eye on him during our missions." Ben said.

Liberty smiled as she drove her wagon to the subway, wondering what their horrible mayor would do today. "Now, this is the Humdinger Hyperloop! Many of you folks who take the subway have expressed a desire to have a way for station A to go to Station D directly without any stops along Stations B and C. The Hyperloop utilizes anti-gravity locking technology to allow the train to do a loop-de-loop before zooming to Station D! A group of people signed the waivers for this experiment as they boarded the train for this test run. I know that yesterday's firework festival was a fiasco, but I can assure you I've run hundreds of simulations on this." Humdinger announced before the train came along and started to travel along the loop de loop.

Liberty gasped as she saw one of the mustached men who were working with Humdinger press a button on a remote, and part of the train track broke apart.

After Ben and Ryder had breakfast together with the pups, they got a call from Liberty. "Ben, Ryder, it's terrible! Humdinger's crazy new loop de loop subway system has gone crazy, and the train has stopped upside down, trapping a ton of people inside!! You've gotta help!" Liberty exclaimed.

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