Chapter 18 - The Wizard Came (3)

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Ruel turned back to board the carriage but paused for a moment and asked,

"What about the children?"

"Not everyone has joined us."

Contrary to the momentum he had just shown, Cheynol hesitated.

"Really? Tell them to tell me whenever they feel like it. I'm going."

"Yes, sir!"

The carriage, which had started without escort, brought in a good hundred people on its way back.

Their strength, which was not commensurate with the old armor, was powerful enough without looking at it.

"It's the Knight!." cried one of the people who gathered at the parade of the Lord.

Someone laughed at the sound, but someone shouted together.

"Here comes the Knights!"

If they are not knights, who are they?

Many people wondered why they were not wearing armor.

In the blink of an eye, a lot of speculation arose.

Among them, the most influential was the fact that 'there was no money in Setiria, so they had to sell even the knights' armor.'

But the eyes of the knights were different from what people had guessed.

They couldn't see any shame in being proud of themselves and their eyes were wary of any harm that could befall upon their Lord.

"Isn't it time to announce that the luxury of the barons is over?"

People sympathized with the sound someone uttered.

Everything was right.

The Lord had returned, and strong knights stood by him, even though they were not wearing armor.

People were full of expectations.

Remembering the last five years of the luxury of the barons.

"Why, do you like it so much?"

Ruel spoke bluntly.

People were talking, but the voices are mixed and I couldn't understand his question.

Maybe he's laughing at the Knights without armor.

"Hooray for you." Ganien said.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know."

Ganien shrugged his shoulders.

"Look at this. I told you people wouldn't hate you like you think."

When Cassion was elated, Ruel frowned.

"This can't be."

Either way, he is an bad Lord who gave up his job.

Hurray for board that wouldn't be strange even if a stone flew in.

'That's weird.'


The hurrah procession continued until Ruel arrived at the mansion.

Ruel now felt strange and burdensome.

It was because he liked it so much and felt like he had to do something.


Ruel soothed himself by eating cookies.

Hooray or stone throwing won't change your plans.

'Peaceful life, normal life.'

I repeated my simple dream several times in my mind.

I became the sick nobelmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang