Chapter 53 - Can you use magic? (3)

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Liberan must have heard through his agent that the mission was successful, so he could have a week at most.

He gave Cassion a week, so can take care of his work.

Ruel was planning to spend the week to the fullest without wasting any time.

"It's absolutely stable."

... Until he heard the stern word.

Ruel, who was stroking Leo, stopped his hand and wrinkled his face.

The medical doctor and pharmacist sent by Banios arrived on time.

The two were sisters and were geniuses among those who graduated from the medical school and the pharmacy school, which were said to be difficult, and passed the royal medical and pharmacist exams with top marks.

They introduced themselves as ...

The older sister Fran was a medical doctor and her younger sister Tierra was a pharmacist.

"What did you say?"

"It's strong. Walking around in this state is like walking around with multiple knives on your body."

Perhaps the metaphor was so nice to hear, Cassion smiled and nodded satisfactorily.

Ruel gave up his wrist and asked, "What kind of disease is it?"

"This is not a disease."

"If it's not a disease, what is it?"

"There is no disease pattern. It's very random. I'm seeing this for the first time. But it is not a disease."

Ruel continued to listen to Fran without asking hastily.

"If you look at the shape one by one, you see dozens of different forms of diseases."

"So it looks like dozens of diseases are clumped together?"

"That's right, so it's not just a disease, but it's a very strange group of diseases. Tierra."

"Yes, sister."

"Give me a painkiller."

"It doesn't hurt now."

Fran frowned and glared at Ruel.

"Don't lie, I know you're sick. If you're worried about the effects, you don't have to. Fran's medicine is excellent."

Ganien was described in the novel as a knight, but she has great skill as a medical doctor.

But Fran was different.

He felt that she was really outstanding from the start.

Look at those bloody eyes.

If he didn't rest, she had the power to tie him up immediately.

Ruel glanced at Cassion.

He was so proud of her that he wanted to hug Fran at any moment.

"I'll be fine soon."

"It's not okay. The lord's body condition is not good. I don't mind telling you this so many times."

"That's right."

Cassion finally opened his mouth.

Ruel inhaled Breath and asked the point.

"Is there a cure?"

"I can't give you a definite answer."


In a calm voice, Fran said angrily, "But I will treat you. That's my role now."

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