Chapter 52

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Song Jiao's question was really a thunderbolt, which made Xu Jinchao's spoon stop when he was drinking the soup.

She denied it immediately: "No, I'm fine."

Xu Jinchao is indeed a little guilty, and she doesn't have a small belly, but she has actually been a little overindulgent recently, not eating enough, and not exercising much, except for running.

She is so busy with work that she doesn't have enough energy to disperse to pay attention to the calorie intake and balance in her diet.

For the same reason, she did not have the energy to do more anaerobic exercise, and her requirements were reduced to only jogging every day.

Although Xu Jinchao didn't take care of her skin and hair as deliberately as [Xu Jinchao], she was forced to develop the habit of exercising since she was a child, and was dragged out of the bed by her parents for morning runs.

This kind of life has always been maintained, and she later planned scientific strength training to make her body healthier and stronger, so as to resist the damage caused by years of art work.

It is impossible to say that you are as fit as an athlete, but Xu Jinchao's figure is quite good among ordinary people.

After all, her natural genes are not bad, her waistline is obvious, and she will feel more powerful by practicing a little abdominal muscle line. Xu Jinzao looks happy.

During the early days of being [Xu Jinchao], she noticed some subtle changes that she couldn't explain clearly.

This body seems to be gradually synchronizing with her with the change of the living soul inside, which is basically a good aspect.

For example, the red mole that shows Xu Jinchao's identity is one of the important marks for her to confirm the difference between herself and [Xu Jinchao] and avoid cognitive confusion.

He also retains the healthy hands and back of [Xu Jinchao], but not the old injury caused by Xu Jinchao's perennial painting brush and sitting on the easel.

[Xu Jinchao] likes to have fun and has no fitness habits. Xu Jinchao clearly remembered that there were no obvious muscle lines in the body at first, but later Xu Jinchao looked in the mirror and suddenly realized that her body was more and more like herself.

After all, she just picked up this body for exercise, so it is impossible to have such obvious effect, and she can only blame it on metaphysics.

However, after Xu Jinchao's combination of good exercise habits came to Hwaseong and started the work of connecting everything, it began to be a little untenable.

She is so busy every day that she either takes the lead in making calls from morning to night and desperately attracts users, or she tries her best to plan the future, looking for investors to introduce her projects, and she is in a state of overdrawn energy every day.

Xu Jinchao was so tired that he just wanted to fall asleep, and he couldn't do anaerobic regularly. He only wanted to go out for a jog every day and keep the basic bottom line.

But everyone who has worked out knows that once you stop maintaining it, all the clear outlines will gradually disappear, and the originally beautiful and stylish figure will degenerate, and it will no longer look as good as when it was at its peak.

Even if you don't keep your mouth firmly in control, you still maintain your previous calorie intake, oh well.

Xu Jinchao, who had been pretending to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to see that his body fat percentage was slowly increasing, was stopped by Song Jiao's sharp question.

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