Chapter 74

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On November 24, the sky was clear for thousands of miles in Juzhou.

There was continuous rain a few days ago, and the forecast showed that it would continue until the 24th. Song Jiao was ready to step on the tail of the last day of rain to pick up people.

Unexpectedly, the rain gradually stopped in the afternoon of the previous day, and Juzhou, which was shrouded by dark clouds for half a week, finally saw the sun.

The sun pushed aside the clouds and cast a large golden thread-like light from the gap.

Xu Jinchao said to Song Jiao, "It's a good sign."

Song Jiao also felt that it was very good. It had nothing to do with superstition. It was just that cloudy and rainy days always gave people a feeling of depression. The lack of sunlight did affect their emotions.

If there are gloomy dark clouds covering the top on the first day of release from prison, and there is a bone-chilling winter rain floating around, and stepping on the stagnant water to come out dull, it will definitely give bad psychological hints.

Song Jiao was very happy when she woke up on the morning of the 24th and saw that it was still sunny.

With such good weather, I think my father would feel more at ease when he saw it, and a little bit of the haze that had been trapped in the prison all the year round was washed away.

The prison did not have the obligation to notify the family to pick up the person, but Song Jiao kept the days in her heart and sent brand-new clothes, hats, shoes and socks two days earlier so that her father could change them before he came out.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Song Jiao came to Dongcheng Prison and waited in the reception room after completing the registration.

Later, he couldn't help but stand outside, staring at the tall and closed iron gate, looking forward to it, hoping that his father would be able to see him at first sight when he came out, which should make him happy.

The concrete floor was still damp and not completely dried by the sun. Song Jiao stood here alone.

Near 8:30, the two closed thick iron gates finally rumbled open, and two figures came out. Song Jiao recognized her father at a glance, but also felt unspeakable heartache at this moment.

Every month we meet through the glass, and it's been more than five years since Song Yikang really stood in front of him from a distance.

Once tall and strong, able to lift her young and laugh, even when she was depressed, she stood up to the sky and supported the family. The omnipotent father was old.

She remembered seeing the vines climbing on the outer wall of the small building when she went home and tidying up. These plants lost their leaves in autumn, became withered and ugly, and stood there with dry yellow.

Song Yikang was wearing the regular clothes she bought with her own hands, with a brand-new jacket hanging empty over her shoulders, covering her withered body.

The trousers were also empty, as if there were rigid bamboo sticks that were lifeless, rather than flesh and bone legs.

Song Jiao resisted the discomfort in her heart, smiled, and went forward to meet her.

The moment he saw the sunlight outside the high wall, Song Yikang was dazed. The sun was warm and freedom was beautiful, but he felt more anxiety and panic in his heart.

Song Yikang didn't know the thoughts of the inmates around him. He suddenly felt timid, and was dizzy by the not-so-dazzling sunlight.

He heard a clear cry: "Dad!"

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