Chapter 1: A Demon Hunt

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{A  D E M O N  H U N T}

"I already told you, I'm not interested in this demon hunt of yours. Whenever I feel like life's getting too shitty and I could quit, I'll join you guys." I sighed, denying my friends for the third time today.

Sylvia and Jenna gave a simultaneous look of disapproval at me before they shared a look.

"But (Y/N), c'mon.. Why do you not want to join us.. It'll be so fun!" Jenna whined.

"You're absolutely boring (Y/N)." Sylvia scoffed. "Or it that you're scared?" She raised an eyebrow.

I scowled at her words and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "No. I am not scared. I'm just actually not dumb enough to walk straight into the lion's den."

"Oh please.. Many people have went into the forest in search for them." She waved her hand as if to wave off my words.

"And they never returned." I continued, giving a deadpan look at Sylvia.

"Which means they actually found the demons!" Jenna's eyes twinkled as she grinned.

"But weren't left alive to celebrate!" I imitated Jenna with mock amazement.

"Whether you join us or not, we're still going to the forbidden forest to find our future pet demons." Sylvia flipped her hair behind her shoulder as she sat straight in her seat, ignoring me.

"Um.. Pet demons..?" Jenna asked her with a confused look.

"Yeah, you heard me. I'll tie them on a leash and control them however I want. I can make them do anything for me." She said in a suggestive voice and I rolled my eyes at her insinuation.

"But I want to befriend them! It'll be so cool to have demon friends!" Jenna gushed.

"Oh hello? They're demons! Beasts! Monsters who can tear you apart faster than you can breathe. Humans are their food! Why don't your dumb brains process that?!" I tried reasoning with them but it was no use.

They had made up their mind.

They will go to the forbidden forest to find demons.

No matter how obviously dangerous it was.

Our town of Melenoa was famous for its forest consisting of human like demons.

Many people from both in and out of the town have went on hunts for these demons but so far, no one made it out alive.

Still, people never stop.

Oh well.

"Alright settle down class, let's proceed with today's lecture..."


"Your grandma must have told you all about those demons, isn't that right, (Y/N)?" Sylvia took a sip of her juice as we were sitting in the cafeteria for lunch.

"Too bad she's not here anymore-"

"SYLVIA!" Jenna gasped and slapped her hand over Sylvia's mouth.

I clenched my teeth and my grip on my tray tightened.

After mom and dad decided that they didn't want to keep their mistake, they wanted to give me up for adoption but grandma never let them.

She took me in and took utmost care of me. She always treated me like a rare flower that bloomed in her garden and always made sure that I had everything I wanted.

She broke off all contact from my parents and made them leave the town. She had never failed to express her disappointment with them to me.

Their reason for deciding that I was better off at an orphanage? That they were still young and had so much in life to explore than just settle down with a kid.

So bye bye they went from mine and grandma's life.

Honestly, I don't even care.

How could I? When they never even bothered to as much as talk to me.

Not even when grandma passed away and I was left alone to take care of myself and grandma's house. I don't feel any attachment to those two just like how I know they can't spare a shit to give about me.

"Yes. She did. So?" I answered Sylvia's question.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry on her behalf! She didn't mea-"

"Jenna. Stop. It's fine."

Jenna gave me a sympathetic look before glaring at Sylvia in anger who completely ignored her and leaned closer to me.

"So I want you to tell us all you know about demons." She took a loose strand of my hair and twirled it around with her finger, eyeing it curiously.

"I won't." I stated firmly.

She let go of my hair with a sneer. "Yes you will."

I shook my head, not breaking eye contact with her.

"You won't tell us?"

"As I said before, no. I won't support you guys for this basically suicide attempt you want to do."

Sylvia scoffed and got up. "Doesn't matter. I don't need your help in this. Let's go Jenna."

"But Sylvia... (Y/N) is our friend too and we-"

"Let's go Jenna. If she can't support her friends then it's better that we stop being friends with her."

"What?! Of course we're not doing that!"

"It's either her or me, Jenna!" Sylvia snapped.

I merely raised my eyebrow as Jenna fell into this ultimatum.

"I-I can't choose-"

"Either her or me, Jenna." Sylvia's angered face glared at her, daring her to go against her.

"I can't choose between my sister and best friend, Sylvia..." Jenna mumbled quietly as she averted her eyes to look down, a frown overtaking on her lips. 

"You do know that I can very easily get you and your mother kicked out of our house, right Jenna? Then you both will go back from where you came-"

"N-No!" Panic laced her voice before she continued to agree with her bossy sister. "Alright.. It's you I choose. It's you Syl." Jenna said in a low, defeated voice as she got up to follow after her, not before giving me a heartbroken look.

The two of them left the cafeteria, leaving me behind to my own thoughts.

They are really going into that freaking forest huh? They think it's that easy to capture those demons, who they know nothing about? That they'll just go all defenceless into the forest and the demons will walk right upto them to be all friendly and make aquintances?

They won't survive a minute against a demon if they come across one.

But damn me and my loyalty.

Of course I can't just let them walk straight into the mouth of death.

Especially Jenna.

She doesn't deserve this. I know Sylvia manipulated her into agreeing with this stupidly reckless plan of hers. And she's too sweet and gullible to go against her sister.

Damn friendship and what it makes you do for your friends.

Forbidden forest of Melenoa, guess I'll be making my appearence to you too.

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