Chapter 17: Left Behind

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Pure, utter chaos.

I'm so thankful right now that the temple is located at such an isolated piece of land, away from the settlement of town because this seems no less than a battle.

Honestly, I'm starting to admire Zeph a little bit seeing his dedication and stubbornness. Boy is not ready to back down at all.

He is huffing and puffing, exhausted by all the actions he's doing today but not once did he let his guard down. Even though, his body is covered in bruises and blood, he's still fighting.

He yelled out a mantra before using his dagger to slice off a good amount of the Shadow's tentacle which had moved around to encircle him.

My heart started to beat faster as Cassius cried out in pain, disappearing into the shadows. I couldn't help but be extremely worried for his well being.

Him and Kian had just been freed from those chains but even then they didn't hesitate to come out and help their friend.

Said friend is currently sitting on the ground, peacefully. Licking his paws clean of the dirt and blood which covered them as his red -green eyes observed how his companions fought.

"Are you just going to sit and watch?!" I screamed at him, walking closer to the Beast who snapped his head in my direction.

He growled lowly.


He ignored me and stared ahead to watch the drama again.

I don't know what overcame me but my fingers twitched to touch it when my gaze remained on his black mane, the hair blowing gently due to the nightly wind.

It's so mesmerising; his black lion body and those mismatched eyes of his which are glowing in the darkness.

I'd never admit it to him but... He's so beautiful.

In lion form of course.

Well.. He's handsome anyway but-

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

The heck am I thinking?!

But I really feel like petting him..

If this was a real wild lion, he would bite my arm off for even moving my hand anywhere near his face..

But it's not a real lion..

Leon turned to look at me again, annoyed when he caught me staring at him. He got up from the ground, grunting and moved over to sit at a different place.

I felt offended.

How dare he-

"Finally surrendering, Shaman?" Kian's smug voice brought my attention to him.

This Charmer definitely has some insane amount of strength seeing the way he's fighting the Shaman.

Well let's just say... If he ever hugged me too tight, I'd really die of suffocation.

Zeph quickly walked backwards before he sprinted inside the temple, making Kian chuckle in victory.

Cassius rose out from the shadows and Leon finally got his ass up from the ground as they moved closer to the Charmer.

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