Chapter 43: The Voice

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"H-Hey... Hey, wake up.." Whispers from a voice didn't disturb his sleep as much being shaken awake did. Someone was shaking his shoulder to get him out of unconsciousness.

Leon's eyelids felt heavy, begging him to not disrupt their much wanted rest just like the rest of his exhausted body. As soon as consciousness hit him, he became all too familiar with all the immense pain that hit him at once.

His head was hung low which allowed him to see the pools of black spilled beneath him. His own blood.

He felt the taste of blood in his mouth as he spit a clot out, leaving a trail of the thick liquid down his lips as it dripped down his chin. Moving his sight from the ground, he let it wander up his body and suppressed a gasp. Every inch of his stomach and torso was covered in scars, scarring his pale skin.

The scars were from the relentless whipping, some areas of his skin were so beaten that the muscles under his skin were visible. Though they weren't bleeding anymore, the hurt was still evident. The strain in his arms made him wince when he still found himself to be chained just like before.

Chains. There were more of them holding him now. Wrapped tightly around his torso and neck so as to prevent any of his advances of transforming into his beast. Not that he could have done that anyway with how low in energy he was right now.

Slowly tilting his head up, his angry eyes met with a pair of terrified ones. A skinny middle aged looking demon was standing in front of him, hands trembling as he held a bowl of water. He had greying hair and a few wrinkles on his face, timid eyes as he tried not to faint in front of the contrained beast.

The demon gasped and took a shocked step back from him, horrified at the condition of his marred face when Leon finally looked up. Someone had cut up his face in various places seemingly with a very sharp knife. As if to take out an anger so piled up and supressed that it finally burst out with full force.

He looked absolutely beaten down.

Just one night here has turned him into this. What was to come in the following nights he would be here?

"W-water." The demon stuttered out, cowarding under his fierce glare. "P-please drink some water." He raised the bowl to his lips, urging him to take a sip.

Leon growled, moving his face away as he stared at the liquid in suspicion. His throat was dry and scratchy. Phrasing out even a single syllable out of his mouth was painful. But no matter how desperate he was to soothe down his throat, he wasn't trusting any wretched demon in his brother's aquintance. 

"It's safe... I promise." The demon held a genuine expression on his face, difficult to be considered a façade. "Listen. You aren't allowed to have it but... I.. I owe you, Leon. You had once saved my life."  

Leon's growling seized, the demon's last sentence caught his immediate attention. He narrowed his eyes, wanting the man to elaborate.

"If someone caught me giving you water, I'd be done for. They'd kill me without a pause." His voice shook in fear as he gulped. "Please, consider this a form of payback. I can't save you from here but I'll do whatever I can in my power." He pleaded.

The Beast looked at him for a long few seconds, scrutinising him for any blunder or flaw of a lie but found none. Hesitantly, he brought his lips to the lining of the bowl as he slowly and painfully drank the water which had never tasted so sweet before.

The trail of water mixed in with his trail of blood in dripping down his chin, droplets hitting the floor as he desperately drank every last drop, feeling his voice return to him which was no longer as painful to let out as before.

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