Chapter 2: Trailing Into The Forest

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Making my way through the commotion of chattering students, I ran out of the school gates as soon as the last bell rung and dispersal was announced.

Sylvia and Jenna were about to do a huge mistake. Those demons won't even let them utter a word before ripping them to shreds to devour them without a second thought.

All the stories we've grown up hearing about the forest and it's creatures, their inhumane nature and a seemingly never ending hunger for human flesh did nothing to deter them away from this reckless decision.

As I waited patiently for the two sisters, I leaned against the wall at a distance away from the school gates, casually observing my other school mates and their animated actions as they conversed with each other, seeming relieved to be going home.

Sylvia and Jenna are step sisters. Jenna's mother was just a simple janitor at Sylvia's father's company. He took pity on her and her baby daughter Jenna and brought them home. Jenna's mom was just supposed to be Sylvia's caretaker but some feelings arose and her father fell for Jenna's mom.

And here we are today.

I immediately perked up as I saw the two of them walk out through the gates and got ready to follow after them, to try to convince them one last time to not do what they were about to.

But life didn't want that.

As I took a single step forward to walk towards my friends, a rough hand latched onto my wrist, curling his fingers around before pulling me back.

I whirled around to see who it was and found the person to be none other than my neighbour- Carter.

"What, Carter?!" I asked impatiently as my eyebrows furrowed in mild irritation.

"You shouldn't follow them into the forest." He simply said, bringing his hand back by his side.

His dark coloured eyes looked down at me as he tried to keep a blank look on his face but I caught the glimpse of concern in his irises.

"How did you-"

"I know you since we were toddlers, (Y/N). You won't just let your friends walk straight into the fire and do nothing about that." He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Exactly. I can't just let them do this!"

"They have already made up their minds. You won't convince them now."

"I'll just follow after them then. They're the only people I have after grandma left." I averted my eyes as they moistened before my grandmother's face appeared in my head. It still feels like she was just here yesterday, waiting for me to return back from school before commanding me to freshen up as we would both soon sit down and chat about how our day had been.

Carter's blank look faltered as he frowned at me. The indifferent look in his eyes dissipated to turn into a sympathetic one.

He kept a hand on my cheek and made me look straight into his eyes.

"That's not true and you know that. There are people who really care about you and love you, (Y/N)." Carter softly said.

He has always been like an overprotective brother for me. He used to spend more time with me and grandma than he did at his own house. Carter lives alone with his mother, Sophia, who has always seen me as her own daughter.

"Let me go, Carter. I can handle this. Grandma has told me about-"

"I know she has told you about demons and how you can deal with them if situation arises. But actually walking head on towards them isn't something she ever encouraged you for."

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