Chapter 4: A Deal To Make

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"Sylvia! Jenna!" I called out for the two girls as I ran closer to them. Making my way over fallen branches and through the thick bushes, I breathed out a sigh of relief upon catching upto their shocked forms.

The sight of another demon standing in front of them with a nervous look in his eyes made me halt in my steps.

He had an anxious look on his face as he kept glancing between the two of them.

His snow like white hair swayed in the wind that blew past him, disturbing a few strands from their set position as they fell over his wide brown eyes. He looked too innocent to be called a demon but I must keep in mind that demons are too good at creating illusions of innocence.

Making them look vulnerable to lure their victims to them only to tear them apart the very next second.

But this one seemed shorter in height than the Charmer and much less sinister.

"P-please don't be afraid. I'm not going to harm you.." The new demon's gentle voice directed itself to my friends.

His soft pink lips turned downwards to form a frown when they walked backwards and away from him.

"Those are your friends?" The Charmer asked in his smooth voice as he caught up to me.

"Stay away, demon!" Jenna tried to sound strong but the waver in her voice didn't go unnoticed.

"Please calm down-"

"What's your name?" Sylvia stood directly in front of the demon, trying to look as intimidating as she could.

The demon shied away from her heavy glare and tried to make himself as small as he could. "C-Cassius." He mumbled, keeping his gaze on the ground.

"That stupid weakling." The Charmer murmered to himself in disapproval, directing an ugly look to the unaware demon who was yet to notice us.

"What kind of demon is he?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"A Shadow."

A Shadow huh.

"The Shadow demons don't mean any harm to anyone. They just search for friends to help eliminate their loneliness. They can shift their forms back and forth from a human like body to just an empty space of air, like a shadow.

"They are physically capable to take any shape or form as they desire and can rise out of shadows unexpectedly.

"They usually just try to blend into their surroundings and are one of the most lenient demons out there.

"If you ever encounter a shadow demon, don't be afraid. They just want someone to talk to and belong to."

"He's harmless." I sighed in relief for my friends.

"He's a coward." The demon beside me scoffed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder slyly, as if I wouldn't notice.

"Still much better than you." I threw his arm off of my shoulder.

The Charmer looked offended.

Sucks for him, I guess.

"Jenna! Sylvia!" The both of them turned to look at me.

Jenna's eyes widened in relief as she looked at me.

"(Y/N)!!" She grinned brightly and tried to come to me but Sylvia, who had a scowl on her face pulled her back.

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