Chapter 27: Slaughtered

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"Show yourself!" Leon barked out in the air around us, pretty much demanding whoever was following us to come out and surrender.

Everything was as still as dead for a good few seconds, aggravating the Beast standing in front of us.

Reece looked up at me with a fearful expression on his innocent face, making my protective side to take over. I bent down to reach his height so that I could pull him up into my arms, holding him in a tender yet strong embrace.

"Everything's fine, sweetheart..." I tried to assure the small boy who continued to stay afraid, probably thinking about his encounter with that fucking wolf bitch that had attacked him.

"I swear.." Leon started in a deep menacing tone that even sent shivers passing down my spine. "If you don't fucking show me your face and stop hiding like a fucking coward, I'll find you.. And I'll give you a death so painful that would make you wish you never existed..." He growled dangerously, slowly observing the surrounding around us, preparing for an attack.

Leon had never looked so intimidating to me as he did now. Even when I first saw him, even in his lion forms...He has never been so terrifying to be in presence of as right now.

I clutched onto Reece tightly, making him hide his face in my shoulder with his small arms wrapped around my neck as I held him close.

"No need to be so dramatic, tiger." Someone mocked. It sounded like a female.

I turned my head to the side to see two severely underdressed females coming out of the bushes.

There was barely any clothing on their bodies that would provide them with a sense of decency.

I pressed my hand on Reece's head, keeping it hidden in my shoulder.

He doesn't need to see this..

Leon's eyes landed a heavy glare on them, almost wanting to vapourise their sole existence just by piercing his sharpened gaze on them, barring his teeth in anger.

"What do you want?" He asked in a slow and threatening manner, standing in front of me and Reece in a protective stance.

"Nothing much.. We just saw the human and got curious... " One of them said as she eyed me up and down, scoffing later.

I felt offended.

Fucking bitch.

Thinks she looks so hot with that head of long forest green hair laying on her back in that thick perfect fish tail braid and those intense green eyes with a slit, like a snake- pupil. With that sharp jawline and model like features and that stupidly slim body with just the right curves?

Fucking delusional.

She smirked when she saw me 'checking her out.'

I rolled my eyes, focusing on the other bitch.

This one had similar facial features and body stature as the other, giving the assumption that they're sisters; twins. The only difference being in her galaxy shaded hair which were left open to shine in all their glory as they fell around her face. Her eyes were steel grey, as if they had seen nothing and everything all at the same time. On her face was a mocking smile just like her companion.

"Take your curiosity and shove it down your fucking throat-"

"Leon. Language."

I said but regretted it as soon as I did, forgetting about his furious mood. I just didn't want little Reece to hear such things coming out of the mouth of someone he had started to admire.

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