Chapter 6: Shy Shadow

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{S H Y  S H A D O W}

"Can you shut up?! Like, for a minute?" I scowled at the Charmer who had an arm around Sylvia's shoulder.

Both of them have been chatting and giggling for 10 minutes now. Flirting with each other every now and then like a newly formed couple.

I was carrying Jenna's unconscious body as I led them out of the forest. My shoulders were hurting now. I am thirsty and sweating profusely, huffing and puffing as I pushed my legs to move faster.

Cassius was silently walking at the back, behind the two and didn't utter a word for the entire journey we covered till now.

"Are you jealous, darling?" The Charmer smirked as he pulled Sylvia closer to his chest.

"In your fucking dreams, rat." I barked out at him.

I slowly and carefully bend down to lay Jenna on the ground so that I could give my hands a little rest.

I kept her head on my lap and moved her hair away from her face, carefully so as to not irritate the claw marks on her face.

"(Y/N), what are you doing? Do you see how late it's getting. We need to keep moving." Sylvia scolded me.

"I'm not a robot! I need to rest!"

"You denied when Kian offered to carry her for us. And now you're saying that you're getting tired? Just let him carry her then." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Kian is the name of the Charmer.

He told us his name after a lot of convincing and begging from Sylvia.

Yes, begging.

Sylvia never begs.

So this just shows the power he has already gotten over her.

"I would not let his hands touch her." I huffed.

"You're acting as if I'm some sort of a walking disease." He frowned, the sparkle in his eyes dimming.

"No, you're worse, demon."

His frown deepened and he let go of Sylvia, pushing her away from him to get some space.

"Fine, then. You rest all you want. I'm leading them out." Sylvia announced and grabbed the Charmer's hand, trying to drag him.

"No, we can't leave her here alone with an unconscious friend. There might be other demons lurking around." Kian pulled his hand back and came to sit down beside me.

"Stop being stubborn, (Y/N). Let me carry her. We can move faster that way." He softly said.

Sylvia scowled at me and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

I was seriously getting really tired and I just want to go home.

If I see a bed right here and now, I would just plop down on it, face first and fall into a slumber.

"Ugh! Alright!"

He smiled at me and took Jenna in his arms, getting ready to start walking again.

Sylvia's mood worsened at this as Kian was no longer giving her attention.

I gave her a disappointed look and took the lead again, walking in the front.

"Hey, darling.." Kian grinned as he moved forward to walk side by side with me. "What is it that can make you smile at me?"

Although his tone was carefree and mischievous, the melancholy in his voice didn't go unnoticed by me.

It almost made me feel guilty. I didn't like being rude to him like that but what can I do? 

He's a demon. I could never tell whether his emotions are real or not.

I shouldn't feel bad about this. He'll gain control over me if I do.

So I did what I thought best.

I ignored him and called out for the shy shadow demon instead.

"Hey, Cassius?" I looked behind me at the quiet demon whose entire form froze when he heard me calling his name.

He hesitantly looked at me and quickly averted his eyes when our irises met. "Yes?" He asked shyly.

"Why are you walking behind? Come, walk with me."

He temporised for a moment but eventually agreed as he soundlessly approached me, looking down.

"So, what do you usually do all day? Being a shadow must be fun?" I tried to engage a conversation with him, to make him feel at ease with me.

Kian looked hurt at how I completely forgot about his existence. The sparkle in his eyes dimmed even more. He slowed down his steps so that he was no longer walking beside me, but behind me.

Sylvia launched at the opportunity and immediately interwined her arm with his, even though he was carrying her sister. But she didn't seem to even acknowledge Jenna.

"I spend my time all by myself. Sometimes I play with animals that I come across in the forest.... There isn't anything interesting about me." Cassius quietly said.

"I find you interesting." I said without a thought.

It was true though. Shadow demons have always amused me. The way they can take any shape or form, appear out of shadows and turn into a shadow whenever they want seems like a super power I would always want.

I can easily escape from a scene. Avoid people and live life in solitude.

Ah heaven.

"Oh.. T-thank you?" With bright red cheeks, Cassius mumbled beside me.

Behind us, Sylvia and Kian were also talking among themselves but it wasn't the same as before. Kian's answers were short and uninterested.

Was I really affecting him that much?

"You're the only person who said that to me. Rest everybody thinks that I'm a coward and a weakling. That I shouldn't even be considered a demon." Cassius said with a sad frown.

"They think right." Kian whispered lowly to himself.

"You should ignore such bullshit from insignificant people, Cassius. I don't think that you're a coward. The way you stopped Leon from attacking my friend before. A coward wouldn't have done that." I softly said to the shy boy beside me.

His entire face was as red as a tomato and he very expertly avoided to look into my eyes or even at my face.

He tried to shift back into a shadow but I grabbed his wrist and nodded forward.

"We're out."

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