5: Trail to a New Era

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Shadow's POV: 

... I felt like I had just landed on a spike, since my back was hurting. And also my front, I felt an unusual weight on my body. I opened my eyes to the sound of birds chirping and the wind brushing through my fur. I looked down on my body to investigate the object on me.

Shadow: Mm... Huh? What the... Sonic?!

I cant believe it, Sonic was on top of me unconscious, and we were in some kind of jungle. Wait, no, It's not our normal Jungle, the birds were a weird color. No, cant be! I got teleported to another dimension because of the bomb! Now Its clear! Its because Sonic grabbed my legs.

I need to get out of here, and leave him, I don't need any distractions on my journey back, that is if there is a way back. I need to find away to get Sonic away from me without waking him.

Sonic: Mmh. No Stix thats not food... Mmh... Yes I want a chili-... Ah...

What the hell, does this gay talk in his sleep. Dang, he so talkative it even happens in his sleep.

Sonic: Raa... Hm... I found your... Huh... Onlyfans Shadow....

What the Chaos, he doesn't actually know about that right?- Whatever. I tried to make a sitting position. I was succesful, now I need to stand up and leave. And when I did, I wasn't really succesful.

Sonic: Hm.. Huh? Shadow?

Shadow: !!! Uh, Sonic..

Sonic: Wha- What.. SHADOW?!?!

Gosh, this is so embarrasing. I acted quickly since I got flinched by his loud scream that I actually kicked him away. Hey atleast he was awake already.


Sonic flopped on his back, he bounced too. I got up and was prepared to run until he got up and rode on my back.

Sonic: Where do you think you're going?! What the heck did you do? Where are we!!!!


He got off and looked at me with his arms crossed and his left foot tapping on the ground.

Sonic: Speak, Why aren't we in hedgehog heaven?

Shadow: Ugh, I hate being with you.

Sonic: Hey! I hate this as much as you do. But buckle up buttercup cause you're stuck with me the whole time.

Shadow: nah, I work alone.

Sonic: Mhm, yeah, now answer my question.

He's so talkative, but I cant blame him though he doesn't actually know what happened. I just wish he didn't grab me at the last minute.

Shadow: Mhm. We're in another dimension.

Sonic: Oh. What.

Shadow: That wasn't a normal bomb, Every matter it touches with its explosion gets transported to another place and time. That's why I tried to get out because we didn't plan to go with you.

Sonic: You were trying to get rid of us! Why not just kill us?

Shadow: It's harder. Some could've survived that explosion by hiding somewhere.

Sonic: Is there a way out of here? What earth are we in anyway? Are my friends here? Is the rest of the village here?! Do you know the way?!?!

Shadow: NO! ... ... ... Idea. 

Sonic: You had an idea?

Shadow: No, I have no idea what to do, your Tails is better at this.

Sonic: Aw..

I looked around and back at him who was trying to contact Tails on his communicator. I found this as an opportunity to run. I quietly tip-toed my way as far as I could go, however his blue arse caught me. I cant stand him, seriously.

Sonic: Hold on Shadz. Where are you going?

Shadow: I said I work alone, so bye.

Sonic: Ah! No you're not, we need to stay together, the more we do teamwork the more easier it is to survive!

Shadow: Teamwork my DARK BLACK A-

Sonic: HEY! 

Shadow: Whatever.

Sonic: Look, we don't know what this jungle holds so if we do encounter danger, atleast you'll have another partner to save your butt.

Shadow: I can save myself.

Sonic: Well fine. I can go by myself anyway.

Shadow: Good.

Finally, Now I can walk away peacfully. 

It was already 1 hour after he was out of my sight, I was getting thirsty, I saw a nearby lake that looked fresh, I decided to take a small sip. As I kneeled into the water, my reflection was seen, I was moving but, It wasn't? What kind of cursed reflection is this?

I thought It was haunted so I backed away slowly. Now my reflection was smiling weirdly at me.

Shaddow: What the F??.. AAH!

Huh! It grabbed my foot! Whats up with people dragging me down?! It was pulling me down to the waters trying to drown me. Sonic was right, I needed his help! There was nothing to grab on, I took a deep breath as I sunk into waters, I was still getting dragged, I tried kicking it off but nothing worked.

Sonic: SHADOW!

Sonic's voice? He's here! Suddenly he pulled my hand up with all his strength, I was running out of oxygen under the water, the underwater pulling was too strong, I couldn't keep my breath in for this long. I needed air! I was in the water for too long..

(he drowned)

Shadow: *GASP!!!* HUH! Sonic?...

Sonic: Shadow! Wow, you're lucky I changed my mind and started looking for you or else you would've drowned!

Shadow: I'm alive?

Sonic: Yeah Dude, I saved you

Shadow: How?

Sonic: ...

Shadow: ... You didn't- Did you?-

Sonic: Ahaha.... Umm... I had to give you air!

Shadow: UGH! Disgusting!


Ugh, Sonic's out of his mind! But I thank him though. Just never thought he had the guts to... Well... You know. CPR... My face was getting redder too, and so was his.

Shadow: Whatever "Ariel". 

Sonic: No prob Bob!

Shadow: It's.. Shadow.

Sonic: So, you admit you need me?

Shadow: No, you need me.

Sonic: In short, we need eachother. Now get up.

He gave me his hand, I resisted and stood up on my own and. That made him frown. I shook my head side to side to dry off the water, he was looking at me with a cute smirk.

Sonic: So, allies?

Shadow: ... Fine.

Sonic: Yay!!! So where are we building our hut?

I rolled my eyes at him as we walked, Well It looks like this adventure just took a bright turn, I wonder how It'll go. Enemies become friends? What will they think of next?.

(Writer: NOW the story ACTUALLY starts.)

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