17: Lying For You

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Chapter 17: "Lying For You"

Sonic's POV: 

A few hours later, I was hanging in a cabin Stix provided for us, we all had separate cabins each. I was lying on my bed, nothing to do. Amy barged in, her tone loud and aggressive.

Amy: "Sonic!"

I jumped, staring at her in shock.

Sonic: "jeez, Ames, please knock."

Amy: "We need to talk."

Sonic: "Is this about our 'kiss' or do I still call it that?"

Amy: "No, it's shadow."

Sonic: "Look, you're jealous, I get it. But now is not really the time, go ahead at yell at me on Earth where there's a lot more places I can hide from you.'

She groaned, or did she growl? I cant remember.

Amy: "This is serious. He lied!"

Sonic: "Lied about what?"

Amy: "The crystal!"

Before, I was uninterested, now.. I was curious. 

Sonic: "Are you for real?"

Amy: "I already told Tails, Knuckles and Stix."

My eyes narrowed, unsure, but worried. I let Amy bring to the castle, of course Shadow wasn't there. There was Stix, Tails and Knuckles standing around the Staff.

Tails: "Sonic!"

Sonic: "Tails.."

Amy: "Look, Sonic, if you don't believe me, Tails will prove it."

Tails walked over to the staff and pulled out a small chart with a bunch of scribbles of science stuff on it.

Tails: "Stix was able to give me enough resources to make a microscope and other stuff you probably wont understand. But when I observed this material, it's like none other. It's components are undiscovered and well, I might be the first to discover this, aside from Eggman. It has explosive fractions and what's mixed inside are things I cant explain. But for short, it can defy the laws of physics and time. It has to be the one Eggman used on us!"

Amy scoffed, she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Amy: "See? You're "boyfriend" is a liar."

I was shocked, speechless even, literally! I stared at Amy with my fists clenched and my breath getting heavier.

Sonic: "I- I have no words."

Amy: "You might need to check out who your falling for Sonic."

Tails: "Amy, that's enough... To make things, nicer.. We believe you should ask Shadow about him lying, he lied about something so important that it could've put millions of lives on earth at stake!"

I rubbed my forehead and, I rarely say this but, I was drowning in stress. I groaned and glanced the others.

Sonic: "Fine! I'll talk to him."

I walked away, I couldn't believe him, why would he do such a thing?! Okay, he's an anti-hero, but even I know he wouldn't do that!

That Bitch.

I barged into Shadow's cabin, he was sitting on a chair, he appeared to be resting. I yelled at him, I wanted to throw all my anger at him.

Sonic: "Shadow!"

He flinched, his eyes widen and he looked at me. I gripped on the doorknob.

Sonic: "What the hell were you thinking?!"

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