24. Breakfast

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Chapter 24 - "Breakfast"

Third Person POV:

It's been a day since they found out about the shards, Sonic stayed up all night trying to find a way to make it activate like how Tails did. He stayed in a guest room in Stix's castle, right next to the room Shadow claimed.

He was sitting in front of a desk with the shards on the surface of it and a bunch of stuff that Stix provided for Sonic to help, a little bit. He was staring at the shards while his eyes start to droop.

Until Stix barges in the room with her staff, thumping it on the ground.

Stix: "Sonic! Wake up it's ti- Oh my goodness!"

Sonic flinched at the sudden noise, he jumped from his chair and looked around in panic until he landed eyes on Stix.

Sonic: "OH! Ah-- Oh, it's just you Stix, I'm so sorry for acting like that-"

Stix looked at his body from the toes to his ears, he looked messier than he already did, a few burn marks and small scars, and tired eyes. Sonic sat back down to calm himself

Stix: "You didn't stay up all night trying to do research on the shards, did you?.."

Sonic: "Ah, I... Uh... I stayed up all night trying to do some research on the shards. Yeah.."

Stix: "And the scars, burn marks all over your body?..."

Sonic: "Well, you know how the shards are corrupted and uh, they spark and go crazy like--..? Well while I was playing around with it, it started sparking at random times and I get burn marks and scars."

Stix: "Right, get down here, we're gonna treat those scars and marks and you're gonna eat breakfast. Got that?"

Sonic nodded and followed Stix to her grand dining table, It wasn't those long tables that could fit 40 people, it wasn't as long but it could fit at least 10-20 people. There were 3 plates of pancakes on one side of the table which were meant for Sonic, Stix and Shadow. Sonic saw him sitting there chewing on a pancake and doing his own thing, he was nervous to go near him ever since yesterday but he had no other choice.

Sonic sat next to Shadow's right and Stix said she'd eat later, she had to take care of something. A lady came up to Sonic with a bunch of medicine for his scars, Sonic plays along and let the woman treat him. 

Shadow noticed Sonic and stared at him while the other one faced the nurse. Shadow narrowed his eyes and spoke softly.

Shadow: "Morning.."

Sonic's ears perked and without looking directly at his eyes, he replied back the same thing.

Sonic: "Morning."

The nurse had finished treating Sonic and left the room, now Sonic took a fork and picked up a piece of the pancake. Shadow still staring at him from the side of his eye.

Shadow: "Where'd you get those scars..?"

Sonic: "Why do you wanna know?"

Shadow: "I care."

Sonic: "You just lashed out on me yesterday."

Sonic rolled his eyes and Shadow grit his teeth.

Shadow: "Just because I raised my voice doesn't mean I don't care about you."

Sonic faced the other way, chewing aggressively on his pancakes.

Shadow: "What on the ever loving Mother Earth happened to your scarf?"

Sonic snapped his neck at Shadow.

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