13: Deceiving Hearts.

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Sonic's POV:

Oh my dogs! what a beautiful morning! Except for the waterfall incident. We're off to find Stix! I cant wait to finally go home and hang on the beach side! (With my beloved.) And eat chilidogs! (With my Shadzie) and actually rest with stress out of my mind for once. (WITH MY LOVER)

Shadow: Sonic, you ready?

Sonic: Yup I am! I'm not sure about Amy though.

Tails: You know, I'm supposed to be the one taking the longest time preparing judging by the fact I have machinery to carry.

Sonic: What's she even putting in her bag anyway, it obviously cant be make-up or clothes, we're on a completely different planet here!

Knuckles: She's the complete opposite of Sonic.

Shadow: Slow...

I leaned on a coconut tree and yawned, goodness, did her parents teach her to get ready slow? Or is her mother just a turtle? [Amy: Hey!] Sorry Ames. Finally after what felt like hours Amy finally showed up.

Amy: I'm done! Let's go.

Knuckles: Finally...

Amy: Wait, oh, sorry, I forgot to fix my bed!

No way in hedgehog heaven am I letting her take another foot inside that room.

Sonic: Oh uh, Amy! 

I grabbed her hand and she looked at me like Rose looking at Jack when they first met at the Titanic. 

Amy: What?

Sonic: Nothing matters anyway that we're leaving, why fix a bed when you'll never see it again?

Amy: The same thing as, why would you dress up a corpse for a funeral if it's never gonna be alive again?

Sonic: That's different because beds aren't gonna be missed.

Amy: But you miss laying on your hammock, fine, forget the bed. Let's go.

Whew, finally, I let go of her hand and wiped the sweat bead rolling on m forehead. Tails clapped to get our attention and we all looked at him.

Tails: Shall we go?

Sonic: You got it bud!

We ventured far and wide, up and down, left and right! round and round. But no sign or o' wild Stix. At some point Knuckles almost mistakes a pile of sticks and stones as Stix!

Sonic: Ugh, we are getting absolutely no where!!!

Tails: We should split up, two groups. I'll go with Knuckles, I don't trust him alone with his... Stupidity.

Knuckles: I'm not stupid! I have more potential you know!

Sonic: Big word coming from you.

Knuckles looked at me like he didn't even know what the word meant.

Sonic: Okay... Who's coming with me then?

Amy & Shadow: I will.

. . .

Amy: I obviously said it first.

Shadow: Yeah right.

Tails: *sigh* just do RPS.

Sonic: RPS? Huh?

Tails: ... Rock, Papers, Scissors.

Sonic: Ohhhh Okay.

Amy and Shadow did an... "RPS" as Tails would say... And Amy won. It was Paper over Rock.

Shadow: What?! I want a rematch.

Sonic: Okay Shadow, Amy won fair and square. Amy's going with me.

Tails: I guess Shadow's going with us.

Loudly, we all heard Shadow growl like a cat, I tried to hide my laughter so hardddd.

(found this on the internet randomly)Tails pulled out just enough new communicators for all of us and gave each one

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(found this on the internet randomly)

Tails pulled out just enough new communicators for all of us and gave each one.

Tails: We'll communicate through this and there's a GPS tracker in each of them too.

We all left each other and went on our own ways. Oh boy, I can just imagine Shadow pouting and being an absolute baby the whole trip.

Shadow's POV:

It's been 7 hours after we got separated, I already miss his annoying laughs and dad jokes and Knuckles isn't helping. He keeps pointing at branches and sticks, saying they are Sticks! and Tails, he's not helping either! He's just silently walking, looking at this radar for signs of Stix. I don't know how but he does what he does.

Knuckles: THERE! STICKS!

Shadow: Knucklehead, we're looking for Stix! Our Stix! Not a lifeless piece of wood.

Tails: Technically plants also have life, we share most of our needs to survive like water, sunlight, air, and more possible things! They just don't have souls like us animals and humans.

This idiot, he just stared at his radar while talking, at this point I could escape without them even knowing! But they'd kill me if they realize.

Shadow: And what if the branch gets disconnected from It's source of life?

Tails: Oh, That's where you're correct. Now they are lifeless.

That's what I thought! Smarty-tails cant even think logically. Knuckles is still pointing at random branches and acting brainless overall. I crossed my hands and continued walking, still not being able to get Sonic out of my mind. 

Suddenly, we heard a loud yell from the distance, maybe a miles away from us. We all put our heads up facing the source sound.

Tails: What was that?

Shadow: I don't know but It must be Sonic, he sounds just like that most of the time.

Tails: Let's check it out, he could be hurt!

We raced to the sound as fast as we could, we brushed the leaves that was in our way. Soon enough we got to Sonic and... Froze on the spot. Amy and Sonic, they were...

. . .

Sonic's POV (minutes before):

Me and Amy were walking for miles now and Amy's been quite quiet. She just fidgeted with her fingers and kept her head down low while walking, she's not even trying to help look for Stix.

Amy: H-hey Sonic... I have a question.

Sonic: Ask away!

Amy: You and Shadow, do you have something you wanna tell me?... 

Sonic: Oh? I don't think we have any... Secrets to hide?

I'm nervous what if she knows? That me and Shadow are, well, together! Oh no, what's she gonna say?! She might hate me and kill me and report me to the police! Oh, who am I kidding, she's too kind to do that. Right?...

Amy: I... I like you!

Sonic: . . . O-Oh... Really?! That's- That's awesome! (ish)

Yeah like no one already knows! Girl we all know you like me for Egg's sake! Gosh... Well what now, if I tell Shadow he'll freak and act emo all over again! Uhhh, uhhhh-

Amy: Let's be together...

Sonic: Amy... Um...



Out of the blue, me and her... Kissing. Ugh, I don't want to be a mean friend but she's acting so immature.

*rustle rustle*

Oh no, that cant be, I turned my eyes to to direction of the sound and there he was. Shadow. I immediately let go of Amy and shifted my body to his gaze.

Third Person POV:

The two male hedgehogs gazed at each other with worries in their eyes. Shadow, clenching his fists trying not to show signs of weaknesses. And Sonic who was clearly guilty and worried about what Shadow would think about him, after all the two loved both very dearly.

Tails: Woah, you two should get a roo-

Sonic: Shadow please! It was an accident!

Tails: huh? What's going on?

Shadow walked away trying to keep a straight face though was slowly shedding tears, Sonic tried to catch up to him with Tails, Knuckles, and Amy looking at them. Sonic trailing on him and Shadow walking with his head low and arms crossed.

(writer: this so emo  i cant)

Sonic: Shadow, listen to me! Let me explain!

Shadow: What is there to explain?!

The crying hedgehog turned to the blue one looking for an answer, Sonic stood there staring at Shadow full of pity.

Sonic: I still love you I promise!

Shadow: I know you do, but Amy loves you. And you cant break her heart, if she loves you too much then we cant make this work.

Sonic: What?! What do you mean?!

Shadow: You wouldn't understand.

A sweat rolls down Sonic's face as Shadow continues walking the opposite direction. Sonic just stood there and soon enough the rest caught up but still confused. 

Amy: What's wrong Sonic?

Tails: Yeah, I thought you and Ames were perfect?...

Sonic sat down curled up with his head back, trying to cloud off the voices of his other friends.

Sonic: You're not really that smart are you Bud?..

Tails: What do you mean-... Oh, y-you and Shadow aren't... Are you?

The blue hedgehog stood up and looked at the others.

Sonic: Let's go look for Stix, Shadow will be fine.

The Blue discouraged hedgehog walked slowly and insisted more to forget about the other hedgehog in his mind and focused more on finding Stix.

Little did they know that leaving Shadow alone would be a great idea, despite the risk.

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