9: Tug Of War

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Sonic's POV

I am so confused, I just got out of the vacay house and I'm sitting in the middle of Amy and Shadow infront of a long table, Knuckles was just hanging out with the ladies. The thing is, Amy and Shadow were eyeing eachother meanly, do they hate eachother?

Shadow: Sonic, have this, It's salad and It's delicious.

Sonic: Thanks Shadz, I'll put it on my plat-

Amy: Sonic, come and have a taste of this cupcake! It's amazing!

Sonic: Oh, thanks Amy I'll try It!

Now i'm eating two different foods at the same time, i don't mind, They're just being kind.

Shadow: Sonic, why don't you try this Pork, It's outstanding.

O...kay... Didn't Shadow just give me salad? Now Pork? I'm not even done with my cupcake.

Sonic: Sure Shadow, let me-

Amy: Sonic!! Look at this chicken soup! It's sweet!

Sonic: Okay Amy but let-

Shadow: Sonic just take my food, I'm not hungry.

Sonic: I-

Amy: No no! Take mine! I just ate biscuits earlier.

Sonic: Guys-

Shadow: I can give you more if you like!

Amy: No I can (Blah bLah blAh)

Shadow: Why don't I (BleH bLeh BlEH)

This is that, I'm done, Time to stop this tug of war before we start a food fight, everyone was already staring.

Sonic: Can you both SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!

I stood up banging the table infront of me, Amy and Shadow stared at me in surprise, heck i  even got Zelo's attention, everyone was silent.

Sonic: Why don't you take your food back, and I can pick my own food? Is that clear?!.

I made It loud enough for both their ears to hear, they sat properly and started eating. I decided to just eat somewhere else so I took my food and walked on somewhere where they couldn't disturb me.

I sat on a rock and started stress-eating, I was annoyed by the two and embaressed too! Gosh, If I was that annoying I'd probably snap as well. Minutes later Knuckles came and sat beside me.

Knux: Hey man!

Sonic: Hey Knuckles..

Knux: I saw you earlier, that was embaressing.

Sonic: Don't blame me! Amy and Shadow were acting stupid, I know they both love me but I cant stand having them fight for me.

Knux: Good thing I don't have to deal with that.

Sonic: You're not helping.

Knux: I'm supposed to help?

Sonic: ... Yes?

Knux: The thing is dude, if Amy and Shadow hate eachother then eachother they will fight, they will never stop infinity. So just leave them dude.

Sonic: I don't understand, what?

Knux: Leave them so they don't have anything to fight about.

Sonic: What? I cant just do that! Not unless you're suggesting I should take a break from them for a while.

Knux: No! Thats not what I said! I said you should spend some time with you and yourself!

Sonic: Knuckles, stupid as ever, thanks for the advice man, Zelo said I could enter the jungle at this time of year so It's only just that I should.

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