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Shahensha Haider’s P.O.V.

The next morning,I sat on my horse,behind three battalions.I looked through the numerous men,my eyes falling on Bakshi Bano who sat on her horse,once again blending into the coat of her horse.Her bronze armour covered majority of her body and her head shield covered her head properly.

I had thought Bakshi Bano would not enter the battlefield today but she had surprised me.When I had gone out to survey the soldiers,I had seen her giving instructions to the cavalry of five hundred men.She had them listening to her without questioning her orders.

I saw Bakhtawar Mirza say something to her before he begun to gallop my way.He stopped in front of me,bowing his head.

“Shahensha,our soldiers on the mountain have reported that there have been no changes in the front line defence of Yabir’s army.We are ready to attack.”

I nodded my head as he turned to ride away.I closed my eyes,reciting Surah Fathia as I held my hand up before curling my fist and the firing of a cannon sounded as I opened my eyes.

Bakshi Bano P.O.V.

I watched as the last cannon of the enemy blew up,then the front line of Yabir’s army begun to proceed forward and I looked at the drum beater,giving him a nod.He beat it twice at which arrows flew over the head of the front line and embedded into the archers of the enemies as well as other soldiers.

“Shields.” I bellowed at which the other commanders did the same,lifting my shield as the enemies archers tried to aim for us.I could feel the arrows knocking into the shield before it stopped and I could hear the scream,groans and moans of pain of the soldiers who met in the front lines.

Our army had seemed to gather courage from Shahensha killing the traitor had filled them with a new vigorous strength to want to fight and beat the enemy.

A Black Cavalry soldier came to a stop in front of me on his horse,”Commander,Yabir is in the last defence line,it is weak.If we start attacking we will be able to capture him.”

“Rukhsar Mirza,go and pass this message to Commander Jaffar saab,tell him we will start the second and third line of defence attack.Tell him I need permission.”

Rukhsar rode away as I watched the first line of defence proceed further into enemy lines.

“Aghe baro.Hamla.”

I unsheathed my sword as I begun to ride forward,a group of ten men surrounded me,riding together.Some were archers,others were swordsmen,with only one motive in mind.

They needed to get me to Yabir,so that we could capture him and take him to the Shahensha.

As we proceeded,swords slashing and arrows flying we finally breached his last line of security where I saw him on a horse,surrounded by soldiers.

I dismounted the horse as did my soldiers and we proceeded towards them,slashing at the soldiers who came towards us with one hand and shielding with the other hand.As we came towards Yabir,I called out.

“Yabir,surrender yourself.Your friend has been killed and your men have been killed,do not make things difficult for yourself.”

Yabir laughed,arrogance shinning through his eyes that could see as he sneered at me,”Surrender to a woman?I would rather die.”

“As you wish.” A man’s arrogance would always be his downfall as my soldiers took his soldiers attention and I launched an attack on him,bringing down my sword with force,the pain from the wound I had acquired the night before an afterthought as our swords clashed.

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