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Bakshi P.O.V

My mouth dropped open as the words that Shahensha Haider spoke resonated around the darbar walls.The scrolls that I held,falling out of my hand and onto the ground.A rush of blood through my ears as I processed what the words Shahensha Haider spoke actually meant.

Shahensha Haider wished for me to be his second Queen,the only other Begum he would take after Sahal Begum.He wished for me to be his wife,even though we all knew that there is only one woman to rule over his mind and heart,his palaces,fort’s and Sultanate.

I looked at mamu-jaan who looked surprised at Shahensha Haider’s words,as he had just got over the fact that he had been given a special title.His gaze flickering towards me,then ammi-jaan who had gasped and back to Shahensha Haider.

“Shahensha,do you truly wish for our Bakshi to be wed into your household?”

Shahensha Haider gave a nod of his head as he continued to look at mamu-jaan,”Yes,I wish to wed Bakshi Bano and make her a part of the Shahi Khandan.If Bakshi Bano were to agree,she would be blessing my household.”
(Shahi Khandan-royal family)

How could I be Shahensha Haider’s second wife?What quality did I possess to be made a part of the Shahi Khandan?Who were I to be given this privilege of being the second Begum of the Sultanate?

How could I be made a second Begum when the blood that ran through my body belonged to a woman who had broken a part an entire family?Who had thrown away her third child because to her two were enough?How would I make justice to the position that would be given to me?

I turned my head to look at ammi-jaan who held her hand over her mouth in shock as she looked at Shahensha Haider before I looked at Shahensha.

“Haider,” Ammi-jaan’s voice called out,softly,”How can my daughter be your wife?”

Shahensha Haider had turned to look at ammi-jaan as soon as she called him,he walked towards her and stood in front of us,”Bari chachi-jaan,if there were any women in my Sultanate who is worthy of being my wife then it would only be Bakshi Bano.Her loyalty and selflessness,her ability to lead and power her way through tough situations.Her love for you,for her family that might not share the same blood with her but who she loves more then her ownself.The one whom people cannot stop praising nor can they find anyone whom they hold dearer then their own kin.How can I not think of making her my wife who will change the ways of the palace so that no man will ever think any woman is beneath him?”

I swallowed back the ball of nervousness as I turned to look at Malika Begum who already had her eyes on me,she stepped forward.

“I agree with Shahensha Haider,there is no other woman who would be suited to be his bride.” She looked at ammi-jaan whose could not believe what Malika Begum said,”By giving Bakshi Bano to us,you will be giving her to your own Shahi Khandan.She will be the bride of our palace.She will bring pride to our palace.” Malika Begum held out her hand at which her bandi came forward with a tray,she covered the tray and took out a scroll which she held out to ammi-jaan,”Malika Jahan,ammi-jaan has sent this message for you,Bari chachi-jaan.”

Ammi-jaan took the scroll from Malika Begum,she opened it and begun to read from the scroll,”Gulbadan Begum ko Malika Jahan ka salaam.I am not surprised nor shocked that you would raise a warrior as your daughter.You have given the Royal Family a daughter that will never let our heads bow.I would have the greatest of pride if you would allow your Bakshi to become the wife of my Haider.I will await Bakshi Bano as your reply.”

Ammi-jaan’s breath escaped her body in loudly as she lowered the scroll.Her eyes fluttering towards me as I gripped my chest.

“I will need to ask Bakshi Bano if she agrees to this proposal.I will only allow this proposal if she agrees to it.”

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