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Sahal Begum P.O.V.

I entered the training field as Haider had exited the door,telling me that Bakshi Bano wished to speak with me.I did not see any lines of worry on Haider's face nor did I see any tense muscles.Rather I saw a satisfaction in his eyes,an ease and his shoulders though straight for a Shahensha,still seemed lighter almost as if Bakshi Bano had taken a burden off his shoulders.I did not know what I had been told to walk into but my sixth sense told me,that this would not bring bad tidings for me.

I walked towards Bakshi Bano who sat on a bench at the end of the field under a tree,she stood up as my anklets and rustling of my clothing alerted her to my presence.She turned to face me,her head bowed as she kept her eyes on the ground even as she lifted her hand,in greeting.

"Adab,Malika Begum."

"Adab,Bakshi Bano." I greeted back as I raised my hand in greeting as well.Bakshi Bano gestured to the bench opposite the one she sat on.

"Please take a seat." I made my way to the bench,taking a seat as she did the same.I watched as she drummed her fingers against her arm,her fingers shaking as she finally lifted her eyes.I saw fear in them,this took me back.As long as I had met Bakshi Bano she had never shown fear but now I saw it clear as day,"Bakshi Bano,is everything fine?"

She did not move her eyes from mine as she took a deep breath before releasing it,"Malika Begum,I do not know what Shahensha Haider saw me nor do I know what actions caused the Shahensha to propose for my hand in marriage.I am no promiscuous woman who keeps her eyes on a married man nor am I someone who seduces a married man.I have always kept my distance,protected my modesty even as a soldier.I do not wish for any ill-intentions amongst us nor wrong feelings.I would rather have cleared myself of all wrong doing,then allow any bad feelings to flower between us.I only wish to ensure that the marriage between Shahensha Haider and myself does not cause you to resent either me or Shahensha Haider.If you do not agree,I will take back my answer and not appear in front of you until you have left.You only have to order this nacheez."

My mouth almost dropped open at the words that dripped from Bakshi Bano's mouth.Ever since,Haider had informed me of his intentions,not once had I thought to blame Bakshi Bano's character and after meeting her,that thought had not even wandered anywhere close to my mind.I applauded Bakshi Bano's way of thinking,she did not want to marry Haider if she knew that I had thought of her in a wrong manner.She wished to ensure that we would start off on a good page.Her last words almost caused tears to well up in my eyes.She had given her answer,yet she would have been willing to take her answer back,if it meant I would be relieved.

The only feelings that filled me,were of gratitude and thankfulness.Gratitude that she had thought of my emotions,my heart and what I would have thought.Thankfulness,for ammi-jaan for seeing what I could not have seen in Bakshi Bano.She did not only have the qualities of a warrior but also of a thoughtful,minful and kind woman who did not wish to hurt anyone in the decisions that she took.

"I promise you,Bakshi Bano,that not once has the thought entered my mind that you have done any wrong for Shahensha Haider to propose for your hand in marriage.Whenever he has described you to me,he has mentioned your modesty and loyalty.You may not have spoken much to him,but your loyalty resonated and touched something within his heart,which makes him think so highly of you.If I were to have anyone as a sister wife,I would like for it to be you."

She gave an almost shaky nod,her eyes fluttering open and close,as if my words put her worries at ease,"What about sharing Shahensha Haider as a husband?No one in the Kingdom is unaware of the mohabbat between you and Shahensha Haider,Malika Begum?It is easy in saying but in practice it may prove to break your heart.Perhaps,you have never thought that you would face this day but today,you are here.What about your heart?"

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