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Sahal Begum P.O.V.

As the morning sun rose,I stood at the balcony awaiting Bakshi Bano walking towards the training grounds.After the Fajr salaah I had waited by the balcony as she usual would make her way,yet she did not appear.I wrung my hands tightly as I begun to worry about Bakshi Bano.I wondered if it would have been a better idea for me to talk to her alone before announcing our decision to the family,perhaps that would have been better.

My eyes fell on Bari chachi-jaan who walked into the seating area where she begun to throw food for the birds who flew down to eat.Her gaze constantly flickered between the birds and the corridor leading towards the training area.I could not see her eyes,I noticed the tensing of her back and the tug that she gave her hair.After she fed the birds,she took a seat as she kept her head facing towards the corridor.She did not move her face from there until movement caught not only her eye but my eye as well.

I watched as Bakshi Bano’s khwajasara,Ikhtiyar made her way towards Bari chachi-jaan.She came to a halt in front of Bari chachi-jaan,raising her hand in greeting which were returned.Ikhtiyar said something at which Bari chachi-jaan stood up and held Ikhtiyar by her shoulders,as if she were in disbelief when Ikhtiyar said something to her again.This time Bari chachi-jaan moved her hands,she removed the pearl necklace around her neck and hand it to Ikhtiyar.

I smiled at the gift that she gave Ikhtiyar,a prize for bringing her good news.Bari chachi-jaan walked away from the seating area,reached for her duppata which she laid on her head as she rushed into the corridors.If this meant what I thought it did,then Hajjat Qila would be hosting two weddings.

I turned to walk inside where I found Haider gazing at the roof,my clothing alerting him to my presence.He raised his head to look at me,a soft smile gracing his face as he sat up,”Kaha this aap,Begum Sahiba?”
(Where were you?"

I sat down on the bed,next to him as I smiled at him,”Thodha bahar dekh rahi thi.Did you think I would leave the khwaab-gaah before seeing you?”
(I was looking out for a bit)

He reached for my hand,entwining how fingers with mine,as he kept his eyes on mine,”I could feel your presence even if you were not in front of me.You were at the window,overlooking the courtyard.”

I lifted my eyebrows as my mouth turned downward in surprise,”How did you know?”

“I may have taken a Queen out from her palace but I cannot take out her instinct to ensure the haraam is safe.”

I giggled as I leaned forward to press my lips against his,”You know me too well.” I pulled back,almost laughing when he kept his lips as is,his eyes begging for more,”Come,let us get ready for the day.I think this day will bring hope to us and our Kingdom.”

Haider followed with no complaints as he muttered ‘ameen’ to my last words.After we bathed and got dressed for the day,we made our way to the eating room.We entered to find Mukhtar Jahangir Alla,his family,Bari chachi-jaan alongside Chachu-jaan and his family.

Greetings were exchanged as we sat down,I looked around in worry when I did not see Bakshi Bano.Was the moment today that I saw a part of my imagination?My gaze fell on Mukhtar Jahangir Alla who waited for the bandi to serve the food before talking.


Haider looked towards him at which Mukhtar Jahangir Alla smiled,”Bolye,Mukhtar Jahangir Saab.”

Bakshi Bano nikah ke liye raazi hai.
(Bakshi Bano has agreed to marry)

I closed my eyes as a smile formed on my face,”Khuda ka shukar hai.” I opened my eyes to look at Haider who stood up as did the others in the room,I followed suit as well.I watched as Haider went towards Mukhtar Jahangir Alla and they hugged.Haider then hugged Mukhtar Ahmed Khan before walking back my way.
(All praise is for God.)

His eyes met my own,I saw a relief in his eye yet,I also saw a drop of saddness.We both knew this would be our only way forward.

As much as my heart throbbed in pain slightly,I hoped,wished and prayed that Haider would give Bakshi Bano half of what he gave me.Bakshi Bano would never be made to feel as if she were just a pawn in our palace.She would be the most important person in the palace after Haider,myself and ammi-jaan.I would give no one permission to treat her any less,not even Haider.

I could only hope that Haider would never forget that now is when his real test would start.Now,is when he would have to display thee utmost justice and order.

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