Chapter 1

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A political drama was enough to bring disaster to the whole world.

After a stupid argument between two nation's representatives, a sudden wave of chaos emerged from nowhere, engulfing most of the countries in a huge delinquency.

People from everywhere started rioting and manifesting, directing even the biggest cities into non-law zones, where even police weren't brave enough to come.

In an American Nightmare way, the world had overcome a deep slumber, trying to face the wave of crimes and pain surging from everywhere.

The politicians and the rich left those countries, searching for a peaceful state where to stand and fructify. Leaving behind their people, failing to protect everyone.

Seoul wasn't spared. It was a mess for years, delinquency higher than in other South Korea's cities, and it could have been even worse.

Fortunately, independent groups started raising from nowhere, gangs.

Most of the actual gangs were criminal, but in a world where rules almost doesn't exist, does crimes still are a thing? Not really.

Those gangs started emerging, sometimes fighting between each other, sometimes making alliances for the sake of the country.

They started 'ruling' in their way. They made people fear enough to recreate some kind of rules and to minimize crimes. They made people trust them enough to protect them and make them live in minimal conditions.

They build a new little world on their own, but still had to face the consequences of criminals, of rotten people that still made others hurt for the simple sake of it.

Stray kids was one of those peaceful gangs. They had worked through blood, sweat and tears to rebuild the city, to protect the most vulnerable citizens, to make others feel safe enough.

They owned an old school that they rebuilded in a huge mansion, secured enough for no one to enter.

Stray Kids organization was pixel perfect: they had many sections, security, healthcare, soldiers and spies. They were all commanded by the center of the organization, the seven males from the top, the 'aces'.

'Aces', because six of them had the huge mission to protect their leader, and all of them were perfectly talented in every section of the work.

The aces lived in the mansion, as well as the people they oftenly protected, some agents from healthcare and some security.

Bang Chan

The leader

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The leader.

The creator of the gang and the one that had the main decisions.

He yawned loudly as he stood up from his chair. He had been working almost all day on a stupid case he wanted to get rid of, and he finally had the answers to his question. He stood up, grabbing his folder tightly in his hand as he walked out of his room, walking to the training room.

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