Chapter 33

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Jisung jumped at the man in front of him, he threw his leg up in a side kick as it smashed the man's face and made him fly to the other side of the room, making a loud thud resonate in the whole closed room.

When another man rushed to him on the side, he quickly picked his knife from his pocket and swung it to the right, cutting the man's neck right away as he fell to the floor lamentably.

He sighed as he searched for a tissue, not wanting to put his bloody knife back into his pocket.

"Didn't know you could raise your leg like that" Minho complimented, as he kept on taping the man's mouth who he just beated as he was doing before. He might have stopped a few seconds just to watch Jisung fight.

"I'm pretty flexible" Jisung said, sassily throwing his imaginary hair over his shoulder.

"Good to know" Minho mumbled, loud enough for the others to hear and get flustered.

"Can't you concentrate on the mission instead of flirting with me?" Jisung cockily asked as he walked to the unconscious men he just beated the shit of.

"I'm pretty good at multitasking" Minho responded, his tone still playful.

He continued searching the tied man's clothes as he finally found the key he was searching for.

"Oh really?" Jisung asked in a flirtatious tone "Good to know" He added, making Minho chuckle softly.

He followed Minho as they walked to the closed safe deposit box, until Minho opened it.

"Look at this" Jisung said in astonishment

"How many is that? 5 kilos?" Minho asked, turning to Jisung

"Well, you're the expert" Jisung said, winking at him

Minho grabbed the huge sack full of different kinds of drugs, as he weighed it approximately in his hand.

"Yeah, around 5" Minho responded, before turning back to the tied up man.

He walked up to him, as he put his foot on the latter's chest and push it down, making the man wince.

Minho tore out the tape on his mouth, as he threw the drugs just beside his head.

"And you told me you didn't have any drugs here?" Minho asked, his hand going to his own boots.

"I- ... I- You..." The man stuttered, terrified of Minho.

"Do you need motivation to speak up your mind?" Minho asked intimidatingly, raising the rather beautiful knife he got out of his boot.

"No!" The man yelled in pure panic "I promise... I'll tell you anything..."

"Perfect" Minho said, as he taped his mouth once again.

Jisung approached him as he crouched down just beside Minho, picking up the drugs as he gazed back at Minho.

"That was hot" He said with a smirk that Minho couldn't see.

"Oh, was it?" Minho responded, smirking back behind his mask as well.

The tied man's eyes widened as he watched the two not-so-subtle flirting.

"Anyway let's bring this fucker to Chan" Minho said as he grabbed him by the collar and got up, literally dragging him outside as Chan's van came into view.

They threw the man in the front seats, before walking around the car and entering the backseats.

"What a stupid mission" Minho complained, tearing the mask off his face

"I liked it though" Jisung copied him "Chan keeps on putting us two together on missions lately"

"Mmh" Minho hummed, knowing too well why he was doing that "I'm not complaining" He mumbled to himself, making Jisung's little heart beat even faster.

"I never said I was" He responded, nudging him slightly.

Minho turned to him, firstly with the intention of nagging him from the nudge, but stopping as he liked the sight. Jisung was really handsome.

He stared at his face, as Jisung found it incredibly entertaining.

"You know you're gorgeous, right?" Minho dazedly blurted out

"I've been told" He confidently responded, bringing Minho out of his little daze for a roll of his eyes.

"You're too cocky for your own good" Minho complained, making the younger chuckle at the pouty boy.

"But you like it, don't you?" He asked, his flirty tone making wonders on Minho

"Mmh, maybe" He responded as he turned back to him, slightly shocked as Jisung had approached him

"And I like your antics too" Jisung added, eyes not leaving Minho's ones.

They stared at each other for a long moment, their faces millimeters away, as the tension could be cut with a knife.

"Is that what you were talking about? That connection?" Minho whispered, feeling his body more and more lighter as he looked at the other.

"Why are you asking? Can't you feel it?" Jisung whispered back, and couldn't help but bit his lip as he saw Minho's gaze fall on his lips.

"Yeah I can... I definitely can" He whispered, his eyes half closed as he felt himself lean forward so slightly, eyes completely immersed on Jisung's rosy lips.

They leaned in, dangerously close as they were seconds away from a kiss.

The van's door abruptly opened as the two boys jolted away from each other, both of their heads turning to the man who had the audacity of interrupting them.

The three of them froze, as the situation was clear enough for all of them.

Chan stared at them dumbly as he didn't know what to do about the situation, as he felt their questioning eyes.

"Uh... How did the mission went?" Chan asked, feeling the weird tension that could be felt on that backseat

Minho only blinked at him, as his gaze turned more and more into a glare. Jisung sat beside him with deep embarrassment, as he didn't feel like answering.

Suddenly, Minho grabbed the door and pulled it close, as Chan jolted back in confusion.

When the door finally closed with a little click, Jisung started a little giggle, finding Minho's reaction awfully cute, but got it muffled.

Minho had abruptly turned to him and latched his lips into his.

He didn't feel like waiting more for it, so he simply cupped Jisung's jaw, and passionately kissed the boy, feeling a full wave of tingle in his whole body at the feeling of his lips against his.

And obviously, Jisung kissed back.

A full explosion of emotions happened in that backseat, and the two of them got lost in the little moment they had.

As they separated from the kiss, they dazedly looked at each other's eyes, intense staring unbreaking between the two.

They smiled in sync as they realized what they did, before Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's shoulder, pulling him into another kissing session that the older gladly accepted.

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