Chapter 15

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As soon as they entered the building, the three of them felt deeply uncomfortable, like they weren't where they're supposed to be.

The only things surrounding them were old ass men, looking disgustingly rich and with a huge loss of morality. They would check up and down women walking around that are more than half their ages, and would make a few horrible comments about them, while loudly snorting coke at the same time.

If hell existed, Minho was sure he was there.

He almost threw up in his mouth when one of those assholes walked up to him

"Hello cutie, wanna follow me?" The man asked, his smile missing a few teeth

"Oh, no. Thank you sir" Minho responded politely, before power walking away for him, as Felix and Jisung ran a bit to him.

"Oh, sir, would you like to follow me to my cage?" Felix asked with a fake boujee tone, mocking Minho completely as he looked at Jisung.

"Oh thank you sir, I would love to! I love your dusty scent!" Jisung entered Felix's game, as they started laughing loudly.

Minho didn't dare answering, he knew he would beat the shit out of them if they answered. He stuck to a simple roll of his eyes, trying to stay unbothered.

When Mr Kim finally arrived at the room, the three boys took that as a signal to wander through the building.

They climbed up the stairs, watching as the cameras started disconnecting one by one as they passed by each one of them.

"Is it Jeongin behind the cameras?" Jisung asked, pointing at them.

"Mmh... Must be Seungmin, Jeongin must be waiting for the datas" Felix answered, as Jisung nodded.

As they were walking, a woman suddenly appeared in front of them, and that spooked slightly the three of them. Jisung started stressing, noticing the slight frown of incomprehension on her face. As he turned to the two males walking with him, he realized how relaxed and natural they stood.

"Oh Hello Miss, I'm sorry, do you know where the bathrooms are?" Felix politely asked, his smile growing on his face as the woman truly couldn't contain a smile back.

"Of course dear, it's at the end of the corridor" She responded softly

"Thank you! Have a nice evening!" He responded as he started walking ahead, the woman continuing her way as if she hadn't suspected anything seconds before.

"Wow, Felix is really good at talking" Jisung exclaimed, turning to Minho who, of course, didn't even acknowledge him.

"Okay, the office is after that turn, wait for me there" Felix stated "If anything happens, the toilets are really just there" he said as he pointed his finger "So it's perfect a location for any excuses" Felix explained, as Minho and Jisung nodded and put their masks on.

"Be quick" Minho commanded, and Felix gave him a sweet smile

"Yes sir!" He said cutely as he walked to the said office.

Right away, Jisung felt anxious.

He didn't like waiting, even less when he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

Unconsciously, he started walking a few steps in rounds, unable to stay still as they waited.

Minho started feeling dizzy from Jisung's anxious steps, and he sighed loudly, seconds away to burst and make him stop.

But when Jisung didn't stop, Minho couldn't contain himself anymore.

"Bro, can't you stop walking for a second? You're stressing me out" Minho growled at Jisung who got spooked from the sudden outburst.

"I'm just trying to keep concentrated" Jisung defended, frowning at him.

"Then stop, you're confusing me" Minho responded, eyes still glaring directly at him

"Alright" Jisung complied, letting out a big sigh in complaint as he stopped, now feeling anxiety rushing through his veins.

"Why are you sighing?" Minho attacked, annoyed at every single thing the other did

"Why are you arguing with me? I literally breathed" Jisung defended, now starting to get pissed at his petty behavior

"Your presence is enough to irritate me" Minho spit, and Jisung got mad

"I haven't even done anything! You're so petty you can't keep on nagging me! Why are you so mad for?" Jisung responded angrily

Minho wasn't expecting that, but that clearly made his blood boil.

'huuh, guys?' Felix's voice rang through their in ears

"You're fucking joking right?" Minho asked, closing his eyes as he crossed his arms, trying hard to keep his peace a bit more

'guys, i think we have a problem'

"I'm not even close to joking Minho. You're immature and petty as fuck, you're starting to get on my nerves" Jisung bit back, he had lost his shit.

"What the fuck did you just said?" Minho asked, voice deep and eyes narrowed as he menacingly stepped forward.

'for real guys!!!'

"What? Wanna fight? Can't you remember how I beated your ass before?" Jisung responded, stepping forward as well.

They got suddenly interrupted as they were pushed from each other by someone who had ran just between the two of them, and they finally realized they didn't notice that someone had been around.

They clicked back into reality as both of them opened their eyes wide, running to the turn to see who that person was, only to realize that it was Changbin.

Changbin suddenly entered the office Felix was supposed to be in, and Minho and Jisung stood in deep incomprehension, until they saw a man flying outside of the room, his whole body smacking on the corridor's wall.

The two of them panicked, as they ran to the room. Their mouths fell agape as they arrived at the door, watching how Changbin was checking Felix for any injury, with 6 or 7 unconscious security guards laying on the ground.

Changbin helped Felix climb up his back, as he carried him carefully and walked to the door.

"Follow me" Changbin simply stated, as he walked directly to the corridors, not forgetting to give a hard nudge to Minho's shoulder as he passed.

Jisung followed closely, as Minho needed a second to process.

His eyes couldn't go away from where Felix was sitting in the room before, his face pouting and a slight cut on his lip.

He gulped hard and closed his eyes for a few seconds, before walking away.

When they finally escaped the building without anyone noticing, Minho walked to the van, as he was a bit late comparing to others.

Arriving there, he saw how Chan was glaring at him, and he couldn't help gulping hard again, rushing to the door.

But Chan held it, maintaining it close.

Minho didn't dare to look back at him, his glare too intense. He tried to opened the van's door again, but Chan still didn't move.

"You're walking back home" Chan simply responded, his voice emotionless.

"Alone?" Minho asked, suddenly feeling highly vulnerable

"You'll know how Felix felt" Chan added dryly, he entered the van and closed his own door, as the car didn't wait too much before driving away.

Leaving Minho there, on the street, ready to walk a few kilometers by feet.

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