Chapter 08

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Zubair agreed to Murtasim's proposal. Everything happened as Murtasim said. Zubair also agreed to release Meerab for his own release.

Many days passed. And Meerab has become a lot more normal than before. Her appearance is much better now than before. The black spots under her eyes have decreased a lot. And the smile on her face has returned a lot. And Meerab's little smile enough to Murtasim for staying well all day long.

In the afternoon, Meerab was sitting on the roof. After watering the flower plants, she was looking at the flowers. Next to her, there was a bird in cage. Seeing the bird, she went to the cage. She was just staring at the bird and thinking something.

Murtasim came to the roof with two cups of coffee. He passed a cup of coffee to Meerab and said,

Murtasim : The bird is in a captive cage. You're thinking this?

Meerab turned back and said,

Meerab : Oh you? You here?

Murtasim : First, take the cup of coffee.

Meerab took the cup and Murtasim told her,

Murtasim : Open the cage.

Meerab : Sure?

Murtasim : Hmm. Give me the cup and you release this bird. Let her fly!

Meerab happily released the bird from the cage. An unknown joy was in her after releasing the bird. The radiance of her face seemed to shine. Murtasim put the cup forward again and said,

Murtasim : After releasing the bird, you are feeling much better. Isn't it?

Meerab : Hmm. It feels so good. She was holding her breath from the prisoner. She has the right to fly.

Murtasim : And yours?

Meerab : Mine!! Means?

Murtasim : Don't you want to get rid of this forced relationship? Don't you want to live with your head held high?

Meerab : Please omit these.

Murtasim : What is your problem? Huh? Why can't you fight about yourself? Why do you think of yourself as weak girl? Just raise your voice once. You will see that all the girls will get courage. Why do you live like helpless women? Why Meerab? Why?

Meerab was silent.

Murtasim : Meerab, the opportunity doesn't come again and again in everyone's life. Use it in your life. Free yourself and stand on your own two feet.

Meerab : How will I?

Murtasim : First you learn to love yourself. Believe in yourself first that you can deal with all dangers. Trust yourself that you can. Then you'll see, you really can. People have to believe in themselves first. Do you understand? Breaking down, getting frustrated, losing patience are all the work of the devil. Allah says, "Call on Allah when you are in distress, but don't despair." Allah will help you. Understand?

Meerab listened to all the words of Murtasim with her heart. She looked at him and said,

Meerab : Tell me, what should I do?

Murtasim : Will you do what I tell you?

Meerab : Yes!

Murtasim : Give divorce to Zubair. Stand on your own two feet. I am always by your side. You take one step, I will help you take the rest, Meerab.

Meerab : But, will Zubair agree to give me divorce?

Murtasim : Leave it to me. Will you be afraid to go in front of him?

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