Chapter 16 (Last Part)

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Murtasim : Ha wohi toh. Well, haam dono ek sath soch k jawab dete hai.

After thinking for a while, the two said together,


The babies were named. Mariyam and Shihab's son is named Arman and Meerab and Murtasim's daughter is named Mahira. ❤️

Meerab came to Murtasim and said,

Meerab : I wanted to tell you one thing.

Murtasim : Hmm. Say!

Meerab : Thank you!

Murtasim : Why?

Meerab : For giving me the happiness of being a mother.

Murtasim : If I don't give it to you, who will I give it to? Huh!

Shihab called Murtasim.

Shihab : When are you thinking of going?

Murtasim : Where?

Shihab : America! Even if the chance for Meerab's treatment is 1%, it is better not to miss it. By the grace of Allah, no one knows when this 1% chance will come in handy.

At that time, Ammi came and put her hand on Murtasim's shoulder and said,

Ammi : Go Murtasim! Go with Meerab. Woh ghum bhi legi. And if Allah wills, all will be well.

Murtasim : But Ammi, aap yaha akele,,,,,

Shihab : Why? Is she only your mother, not ours? Look Murtasim, Ammi will stay with us. You don't worry. I'm here na? You go with Meerab.

Murtasim came to the room and saw Meerab playing with Mahira. He came and sat down.

Meerab : Look, Mahira's smile looks like yours.

Murtasim : Hmm! My daughter will look just like me.

Meerab : Hmm. Right!

Murtasim : Meerab, I have made a decision.

Meerab : What?

Murtasim : I will go on holiday with you and Mahira for a few days.

Meerab : Ohh! Is that so? Then it's good. Where are we going to? Well, I want to go Kuakata.

Murtasim : We will go to America the day after tomorrow.

Meerab : Why America?

Murtasim : I have some business work there. And I can't leave you both.

Meerab : And Ammi?

Murtasim : Ammi will stay with Appi. Ammi should stay with Ifra and Arman. And Appi will be happy if Ammi stays with her.

After two days.........!

Murtasim and Meerab left for America with their baby Mahira.

Shihab had already talked to the great American doctor. Murtasim still doesn't know how to tell Meerab that she will never be a mother again.

After coming here, Meerab's treatment started. She still doesn't know why she is being treated. Her treatment continued. And they both had a good time.

Almost, a year passed. Meerab's treatment continued. The doctor told Murtasim that the chances are very low but Meerab can be a mother and there are many risks involved.

Murtasim, Meerab and Mahira returned to the country. And little Mahira has also grown up.
She has learned to walk a little. Mahira became the piece of Murtasim and Meerab's heart. ❤️

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