Chapter 9

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Murtasim and Meerab got in the car. Murtasim came to the shore of a lake and stopped the car. The two sat in silence for a while.

Meerab was looking at the water and thinking that her victory today was only for Murtasim. She was looking anxiously at a couple with a small child playing and they were also laughing and playing with that child.

She wanted a beautiful family!!
A family where her children, husband will spend happy days with the whole family!!!
But what happened is the opposite. 💔

Tears came to her eyes. Before a tear could be shed from her eyes, Murtasim raised his hand and said taking that drop of tear in her eyes,

Murtasim : Tears have a lot of value. Don't waste it unnecessarily.

Meerab : Where is my fault?

Murtasim : Means?

Meerab : Are you watching them? (She pointed to the baby and his parents.)

Murtasim : Hmm! So what happened?

Meerab : I wanted a family like that. You know? My dream was small. A very ordinary dream. I will have a happy family with my husband and children. But you see, today I came with a divorce scar.

Murtasim : Scar? What kind of scar are you talking about Meerab?

Meerab : Scar of Divorce.

She lowered her head and took a deep breath.

Murtasim : Ha! Ha! Ha!

Meerab : You're laughing?

Murtasim : Yes, I'm laughing listening to your stupid words. Meerab, you still can't stand yourself. Learn to respect yourself first, then others will.

Meerab was silent. What would she say?
What would she answer?
She had no answer.

Murtasim : Well, Meerab! If you didn't get divorce, your husband would have beaten you like this, tortured you. In fear of what people would say, in fear of society, you kept silently enduring that oppression. And if you had a child and that child endured all these things, would it be very good then?

Meerab was not raising her head. She was just listening to Murtasim's words.

Murtasim : Meerab, start your life anew. You will see, seeing you, many helpless girls who are being oppressed by these animals day after day will stand up, will be able to fight. Learn to stand on your own two feet Meerab.

Meerab : How do I do that?

Murtasim : You are an educated girl. Don't speak in front of me like a fool. Well, what if I give you a job? Don't think that I have mercy on you. Prove to yourself that I did the right thing giving you job. What do you say?

Meerab : I can do this na?

Murtasim : What's wrong with trying? And if there's a problem, I'm here. And yes! My sister is also divorced. May be, you don't know that.

Meerab : Mariyam Appi is divorced?

Murtasim : Yes! Appi's husband used to drink and beat Appi a lot. Appi was a very dear daughter of my father. Appi called us one day and told us everything. Then my father and I went and brought her and didn't let her go. Ifra was very small then. Now Appi is standing on her own two feet. She has learned to fight for herself for her daughter. Can you do it?

Meerab : What?

Murtasim : To stand on your own two feet. Meerab, I'm by your side all the time. You will find me by your side whenever you need me. Don't think I'm kind to you. Think I'm doing some responsibility.

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