Chapter 13

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Mariyam was once looking at Shihab and Murtasim. Murtasim gestured Meerab to make Mariyam sat next to Shihab. And Meerab did that.

Mariyam : Murtasim, I have something to say to you.

Murtasim : Not now Appi. Now it will be what is good for you. And Appi, there will be no better boy for you than Shihab. Shihab is not just my friend. He's a good doctor, a good man and most importantly, he loves you from a young age. Don't you want Ifra to get the love and caress of a father?

Shihab : Murtasim, 1 minute please!

Shihab sat down in front of Mariyam and looked at her and said,

Shihab : I know you can't accept me so easily. But give me a chance, I promise I won't give you a chance to complain. I want to be Ifra's father. You know that my parents love Ifra very much. After our marriage, Ifra will be their own granddaughter. Then they will keep her in their arms more. I know something happened in your life that you may not believe me. But Mariyam, can't I be given a chance?

Murtasim : Appi, opportunity doesn't come again and again. Think and answer.

Mariyam was silent for a long time. Shihab was disappointed and thought that Mariyam won't agree.

Shihab : Ammi, Abbu! Let's go.

Mariyam : You will leave me and Ifra alone, Shihab?

Hearing this, Shihab was happy and everyone smiled. It was a moment of joy at that moment.

Everyone was very happy thinking that happiness has come in Mariyam's life. Cause she has not tolerated less.
Shihab and Mariyam got married in a few days. And Ifra was also very happy because she got a father.

There are many like Mariyam and Meerab who endure the torture of their husbands. No one like Murtasim may come to their rescue. Again, when they get divorced, no one accepts them as easily as Shihab and his family.

A few months later,

Today Meerab was sitting a little angrily. Murtasim was so busy at work today. He had been working with the laptop for a long time. And Meerab was very angry at this, he didn't notice. Meerab threw a pillow at Murtasim and said,

Meerab : I'm angry.

Murtasim : Meerab, there is a little work left. I'm talking to you after finishing this. Okay?

Meerab threw another pillow and said,

Meerab : I'm very angry. Very!

Murtasim : Hmm. I'm listening. (While working on the laptop.)

This time, Meerab got up and turned off the laptop and stood with her face swollen. Murtasim saw the reaction on Meerab's face and laughed. Meerab got more angry.

Meerab : Am I looking like a joker that you're smiling showing your teeth?

Murtasim : No! Not that. I see how cute my wife's angry face!

Meerab : Aha!

Murtasim : What happened?

Meerab : Has anyone noticed that I am wearing a sari for someone? Huh!

Murtasim : Hmm. Got it. My wife is angry about this.

Murtasim got up and turned Meerab around. He hugged her from behind and took her in front of the mirror and said,

Murtasim : My wife looks very beautiful. Very much! And you're mine na?

Meerab : Hmm. Bohot hoya. But my stomach?

Murtasim : Ha! Ha! You look more cute pagli! My wife is very cute. And girls look more cute when they are pregnant. Do you understand, mam?

Meerab is 6 months pregnant. Murtasim and his whole family are very happy hearing this good news.

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