Chapter 3: Sleep Disorder

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Chapter 3: Sleep Disorder

Johanne Olbrich was insufferable. You had no idea what you had done to warrant such nasty behaviour from her, but it had been going on ever since the two of you were in medical school and at work. It used to be tolerable, because back then you had many friends and a lot of space to avoid her. But now, your friends were limited to Mario and Niko, and you spend a lot of time in an enclosed space with Johanne, that is the Survey Corps HQ.

A month has passed since you joined the corps, and she found many ways to step on your tail. Whether it was by flaunting her surgery cases, questioning your medical skills, or putting you down in front of Doctor Kohlmann, she was insufferable. Her new gaggle of friends were no better, as she had somehow found a way to influence them into thinking you were problematic and had wronged Johanne in the past.

You had considered going to her and asking her what her problem was, but decided against it to avoid confrontation. However, you reached the edge of your limits today when Johanne touched on something she shouldn't have.

She commented on seeing you and Levi in the training grounds a month ago, it must have been that time when he helped give you advice on ODM gear training.

"I wish I was as relaxed as you about training. If you spend all your time flirting with squad leaders and Captain Levi, you must have mastered your ODM skills," Johanne had said. Ridiculous. Since when did you even flirt with any squad leader? You weren't even the one who approached the Captain back then when he helped you with the ODM training.

"If you spend more time focusing on yourself rather than paying attention to every single thing I do, maybe you'd actually have a decent personality."

Johanne laughs. "I didn't expect you to be so bold, you used to be quieter. Did Luca teach you to be louder?"

You crossed your arms, eyebrows furrowed at the mention of your ex-coworker, Luca. Luca Steinhauser is a handsome, blond man with blue eyes, coupled with a friendly and outgoing personality. You used to have a crush on him for about a year during medical school, and found out he shared the same romantic feelings for you. However, both of you decided not to pursue a relationship, choosing to fully focus on medical school and your careers. Besides, Luca was kind of a playboy, so you were hesitant if he could commit to a relationship anyway. He did end up transferring to your workplace years later though, and you were colleagues before you left for the military.

Why is Luca relevant now though, you wondered. You knew that Johanne must know about your past situation with Luca, but that was years ago.

"Why are you bringing up Luca?" you asked, genuinely confused.

"You'll let me know when you're through with him, won't you?" Johanne taunted.


"Oh, did I misunderstand? You two seemed so.. close. But I'm sure you're setting your sights higher these days." Johanne smirked, glancing to her right where Captain Levi was training at the field.

You knitted your brows. Is Johanne really still hung up on Luca? Is that it? And who was she to question your choices on men?

"Do as you please with Luca, you can have him all you want," your lips curled up in amusement, a mask to the anger swirling in your chest.

Ah, that's right. Johanne liked Luca as well back then, but he never saw her that way. In fact, he avoided her after her relentless pursuits and when he saw how mean she was to you. Perhaps that's why you were a target of hers, and still are.

Johanne appeared unsatisfied with your response and how you seemed unfazed by her words. "Then know your place and don't get in the way again."

"The only person cockblocking yourself is you!" said a voice that didn't belong to you. You whipped your head to find Mario with his arms crossed, shaking his head at Johanne. Did he overhear your conversation? Nevermind that, his response to her was actually hilarious. You held back a laugh.

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