Chapter 44: This Life

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Reader and Levi settles into their new life one year after the Rumbling! This fluff is my way of coping with AOT's ending. Levi deserves a family, he really does 🥲

Chapter 44: This Life

One year after Ezekiel's birth

They say it takes a village to raise a child. And a village you did have.

When you live in a large house with six other people, you get plenty of help raising Ezekiel. In fact, they were more than happy to help, especially since they knew that Levi was still recovering from his knee injury. Plus, everyone seemed enamoured by the mini Levi that just popped out of nowhere.

Armin liked to help bottle-feed Ezekiel, while Jean and Connie liked to play with him. Hange and Luca took care of groceries for you, and often helped you cook as well. Levi didn't trust any of them to bathe Ezekiel properly, so bathing and cleaning up was strictly you and Levi's job.

"Hange, if you don't fucking put Ezekiel down, I'm going to kick your ass," Levi frantically makes his way to Hange who was trying to put Ezekiel on her shoulders.

"Levi! He's like a mini you!" Hange gushes. "I can't get enough!"


"Oh, he's growing up so fast," Armin cooes, watching as Levi grabs his child from Hange's prying arms. "He'll be turning one soon, right?"

"Yup," you smiled. "His birthday is in a few weeks."

An entire year has passed since Ezekiel's birth. Levi's back on his two feet and no longer needs his wheelchair and crutches, much to his joy. Doctor Richter announced that Levi has recovered fully and he was more than delighted to stop his physical therapy sessions. Now, Levi can fully focus on you and little Ezie.

There have been talks about moving to an apartment where everyone can have their own private units. You liked living in a house with everyone, but there were moments where you preferred to have your own privacy with Levi and your son. Besides, now that Jaka city was stabilising and more homes were being built around Fort Salta, everyone is starting to have more options. Ezekiel is growing up and soon, your little family will need more space to live in.

"Hey, Sasha is coming today!" Connie shrieks.

"What? It's today?" Armin's eyes widened.

Right, Sasha and Niccolo coming was another reason why you all wanted to move into an apartment. This house was already bursting with tenants.

"Yes! Historia managed to give clearance for Sasha, her family, and Niccolo to come here," Connie said. "She will be arriving in the afternoon!"

Everyone bursts into excited chatters and chaos.

"Food! We need food!" Connie yowls. "Or Sasha will scream!"

"Let's cook then," Jean suggests. "I'll be the head chef."

"No, Niccolo will literally pull all of his hair out if you cook," Connie scoffs. "You suck at cooking!"

"I don't!" Jean fights back. "You just have bad taste."

"Excuse me?" Connie snorts. "I wasn't the one who nearly burnt the house down while trying to make an omelette! It tasted like shit too!"

Jean and Connie are at each other's necks. Ezie begins to cry at the distressing noises. Levi panics and is now attempting to kick their asses. Hange is being unhelpful and howling with laughter. Yup. You really will need to move out soon.

You were glad that Sasha and Niccolo were coming here, it was a shame that your parents won't be able to do the same so quickly.

Through the letters you exchanged with the help of Historia's connections, you had told them about your current condition in Marley and how everything is slowly being rebuilt. However, your parents also expressed their reluctance and fear of moving to Marley this year and urged you to come back instead.

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