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The next morning, Seungmin was the first one up. He slipped into the shower, changed into clean clothes, and was the first one in the kitchen. His brain was on auto-pilot while he began making himself breakfast. 

After a while, footsteps caused him to glance up from lathering strawberry jam on a slice of toast. I.N stood staring at him with a raised eyebrow. Seungmin had been sleeping in lately since he was still on hiatus. "What are you doing, hyung?" 

"Eating breakfast." 

"Obviously, but why?" 

"Because people usually eat breakfast in the morning." 

I.N shot him an unamused look. He opened his mouth to respond, but he never got a chance to. Lee Know rounded the corner and stepped up behind I.N. He reached out and ruffled the youngest member's hair. I.N scowled, pulled away, and began to fix his hair. 

"Good morning," Lee Know chirped. He walked over to Seungmin and tried to mess up Seungmin's hair, but Seungmin dodged. "What are you doing up at this hour?" 

"I want to go into the studio today." 

"You're on hiatus." 

"I know, but staying here alone is making me feel worse." 

"Then why don't you go out and do something?" 

"Going into the studio is doing something." 

"Going into the studio might make you stressed. We're supposed to start learning a new dance for a new song." 

"That's perfect." 

"I don't think y-" 

"I'm going and you can't stop me." 

Lee Know blinked a few times and then shrugged. "If you want to, I won't stop you. You should know that you're going to have to put up with whining and complaining though. You know how whiny some of the members can get when we're learning a new song." 

"And Changbin hyung's loudness," I.N added. 

"What about Changbin?" A freckled face peeked around the corner. A grin sat on Felix's face as his eyes darted around the area. 

"We're discussing Seungmin going back into the studio today." Lee Know threw the fridge open. He crouched down and began to dig around for food. 

"You're coming back?" Felix walked out from behind the wall. He approached Seungmin and wrapped his arms around him. Seungmin's face scrunched up in disgust. Felix ignored it and placed his chin on top of Seungmin's head. "Are you cutting your hiatus short?" 

"I don't know. I just need to get out of the dorm room before I go crazy. I need to do something before I start screaming. I'm starting to become restless here." 

"Everyone misses you." 

"Including Channie hyung," I.N added. 

"That old man misses me?" 

Lee Know shut the fridge after he found a bowl. "Why wouldn't he? Someone has to keep him humble and none of the other members do it." 

"I can't call him old, it makes me feel bad," Felix frowned. 

Lee Know grabbed a pair of chopsticks and began picking up food from the bowl. I.N glanced over at him. "Isn't that the Miyeok-guk you made last night?" 

"The seaweed soup?" Felix asked. 

"You're eating leftovers for breakfast?" Seungmin tilted his head. 

"There's nothing wrong with eating leftovers. Life is about simple pleasures. I woke up and wanted Miyeok-guk. I got dressed and now I'm eating it. Why is that a problem?" 

"Who eats Miyeok-guk for breakfast?" 


Seungmin rolled his eyes and took another bite of his toast. Lee Know sat down and joined him at the table. I.N and Felix made their own breakfast and sat down at the table. The four of them ate together in silence until Seungmin broke it. 

"Are any of you guys doing anything after work?" 

"I want to play League of Legends." Felix wiped his face with a napkin. "Other than that, I'm not doing anything." He dropped the wadded ball down at his side. 

"I don't have plans." 

"I have laundry," Lee Know announced. 

"Do one of you want to come with me to the flower shop?" 

"The flower shop?" 

"Yeah, the one Cynthia worked at." 

A pause filled the room. Lee Know, Felix, and I.N all shared a look. I.N was the first one to break it. "I can come with you, if you want me to." 

"Me too," Felix agreed. 

"I want to get some flowers for the dorm." Seungmin chewed the last bite of his toast and swallowed it. "I think they'll make the place look nice." 

Lee Know nodded, "we could use some flowers. It'd hide the stink of this place." 

"Hey, our dorm room doesn't stink!" I.N huffed and his arms went across his chest. "I'm always lighting candles, so it doesn't stink. If you want to talk about a stinky dorm, go bug the other dorm." 

"The other day I walked over there and my eyes began to water. Hyunjin was trying to cook something and he burnt it. The place was filled with smoke and I had to help him air it out. I'm pretty sure he nearly set the place on fire." Felix shook his head. 

Lee Know began to laugh and soon I.N followed. A smile began to tug on the corners of Seungmin's face. "I've always said ferrets can't cook." Seungmin's comment caused Felix to crack and burst into laughter too. 

"It was so bad!" Felix fanned his face. He blinked back his tears from laughing so hard. "I asked him what he was doing and there was some dish he was attempting to make. I had to start opening the windows. I'm sure he would have lit the place on fire if I hadn't intervened and helped him." 

Lee Know tipped back in his chair and began laughing harder. The idea of Hyunjin panicking and looking disheveled while attempting to cook while smoke filled the air sent him spiraling. He threw his forearm over his eyes. His chest shook with laughter and the sudden gesture caused Seungmin to laugh harder. I.N covered his face with his hands while Felix continued explaining the story. 

It was the first time Seungmin had laughed in days. 

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