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"Will someone please go with me to get snacks?" Hyunjin asked for the third time. 

"Can you not go get them yourself? How old are you? You wanted them to begin with." Seungmin grumbled with crossed arms. He wanted to continue moping in his bedroom, but the guys came home from work. Han and Hyunjin showed up along with Lee Know, Felix, and I.N. 

The two of them dragged him from his eternal tomb of darkness and forced him into the living room against his will. Movie suggestions had been tossed around, but nothing was set in stone. Hyunjin was convinced they couldn't start until they had proper snacks. 

Everyone had been so busy that the food supply in the dorm was running low. It was a problem that could be fixed the next day, but Hyunjin was picky and wanted pocky. Hyunjin huffed, tugged on the hoodie that he had just taken off, and left the dorm. 

"What do you want to watch, Seungmin? Should we scare the shit out of Yongbok today?" Lee Know picked up a horror movie with a nun on the front of it. 

"No!" Felix cried out. "No horror movies! I don't even know how I'm supposed to sleep tonight after I.N told me that scary story during dance practice. No horror movies unless you want me to cry!" 

Seungmin grabbed the dvd from Lee Know and began reading the back synopsis. 

"It wasn't even that scary," I.N grumbled. 

"Yeah, it was! Look me in the eyes and tell me how I'm supposed to sleep in the dark after that!" Felix's lips stuck out in a pout. He curled up into the side of the black suede couch. 

Lee Know glanced between Felix and I.N. After reading the back of the dvd, Seungmin looked up. "What story did you tell him?" His curiosity was piqued because Felix looked distressed. 

"Tell us!" Lee Know added. 

"Yeah, tell us," Han stood up. "I'm going to go get popcorn while you tell it. I'll be able to hear you from the kitchen." 

Felix leaned over and buried his head into the side of the couch. His arms covered the sides of his head to try and block out I.N's words. I.N rubbed his hands together and leaned forward. "There's a bunch of different versions, but I'll tell you the version that I know." 

"Once upon a time, there was this woman that lived in a house alone. There was a murderer on the loose and she locked all her doors and windows, but not the basement window because the lock was broken." 

"That's dumb," Seungmin muttered. 

"She was nervous, but she wasn't really frightened because she had a dog. Later that night, she climbed into bed and fell asleep. She woke up at some point and reached her hand under the bed. The dog licked it and she fell back asleep." 

"Oh," Lee Know's face lit up, "I know this one." 

Felix's eyes squeezed shut and he tightened his arms over his ears. 

"A while later, she woke up to dripping noises in the bathroom. She was annoyed until she reached her hand under the bed. She figured her sink was leaking. The dog licked her hand and she fell back asleep." 

"No," Felix whined. He sat up straight and plugged his ears. No matter what he did, he could still hear I.N's story. 

"Eventually, she woke up again to a dripping noise. Drip, drip, drip," I.N's voice lowered. "She finally got up and went into the bathroom and what did she find? Her dog that was supposedly beneath her bed the whole time. He was hanging from the shower curtain mutilated. Blood dripped from his corpse and written in the dog's blood in the mirror was the phrase 'humans can lick too.'" 

There was stillness in the air. Realizing the story was over, Felix removed his hands from his ears. He let out a soft sigh and began to relax. He shut his eyes and tried to think about something else. 

"Boo!" A loud voice cried out from behind him as hands touched his shoulders. 

Felix leapt forward from the couch with a screech and hit the carpeted floor. Behind the couch, Han began giggling. He slapped the back of the couch and bent over laughing. Felix was on the ground with a hand on his heart. 

I.N and Lee Know shared a look before they started laughing. Seungmin shook his head. "How did you not see that coming?" 

"Friends don't scare friends!" Felix cried out. "I was trying to relax and you nearly gave me a heart attack!" He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. His furrowed eyebrows and puffed out lips made him look like an angry baby chick. 

"I'm so sorry," Han sputtered through wheezes. He walked to where Felix was on the ground and plopped down beside him. He wrapped him in a hug and pulled him closer. "I had been standing there for quite a few seconds. I thought you knew I was behind you." 

"No, I didn't know! No more scary stories! I'm going to have to sleep on the couch tonight." Felix placed his head in his hands. 

"So who was under the woman's bed?" Seungmin asked. 

"The murderer," I.N responded. "He snuck in through the open basement window." 

"The story would be ten times scarier if it was JYP beneath the bed instead of some murderer." 

"That's so gross, hyung."  

"He'd probably scare the shit out of everyone by singing in the middle of the night. Imagine your hand dropped over the side of your bed and he licked it while singing groove back. Now that sounds like a real horror story." 

Lee Know flopped back in his chair and began laughing. His eyes crinkled up while he laughed. It didn't take long for the others to join him. Han still had his arms wrapped around Felix. "Do the impersonation!" 

Seungmin sighed and got up and started singing one of his songs in a higher-pitched airy voice. By the time he stopped, everyone was near tears. Han and Felix were clutching each other tight amidst their laughter. I.N had his head buried into the opposite arm of the couch while his body shook with laughter. 

Right as Seungmin sat down, he was interrupted by a text message from Hyunjin. 

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