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The loud sound of Lee Know's munching was driving Seungmin up a wall. Lee Know, Han, and Felix were all stuffed into Felix's room. Changbin and Hyunjin were supposed to drop Cynthia off at the restaurant in a half hour. Seungmin was still putting on the final touches of his look. 

"You are worried over nothing," Lee Know said. He watched Seungmin adjust his white dress shirt. The fabric hung down his arms and was tucked into a pair of black dress pants. "Trust me, you'll be fine." 

"No, I won't be fine. It's like the first date all over again! You'd be stressed too if you were going through the same thing. You don't understand what it's like." 

"I understand it well enough to know that she's just Cynthia. The two of you know each other pretty well. Even with the memory loss stuff, you're comfortable with each other. Stop worrying about things you can't change." 

Han reached over Lee Know to grab a chip out of the foil bag. "He's absolutely correct. Worrying about the things outside of your grasp does nothing, but causes you to spiral." 

"Tough talking coming from a guy with his own anxiety issues." 

"Hey, I'm trying to help you!" 

"I'd prefer it if you didn't." 

Han rolled his eyes and Lee Know's head shot forward. He chomped his jaws together near Han's arm. In shock, Han's arm jerked back to the safety of his chest. He stared at Lee Know with wide eyes as Lee Know jerked the bag of chips back to his chest. "Mine!" He announced by dipping his hand back into the small bag and getting another chip. 

Felix picked up the black jacket from the back of a chair. "You'll be alright, Seungmin. Lee Know has a good point, Cynthia is comfortable around you. She'll probably be just as nervous as you are. Hyunjin and Changbin have already said she's pretty nervous as it is, so you're not the only one." 

"Is it too late to call it off?" 

"If you wanna be single for the rest of your life." Lee Know threw another chip in his mouth. He chewed and quickly swallowed. "You've accomplished scarier things in your life." 

"Like meeting JYP," Han interrupted. 

"Shooting music videos." 

"Singing at award shows." 

"Posing for magazine covers." 

"And pitching for professional baseball players." 

"See?" Lee Know spat. "You're much stronger than you believe. I tried to tell you, but you're not listening." 

"I'm nervous!" Seungmin sucked in a deep breath and raised his hands up. Felix pulled on the jacket and smoothed it out. "I don't want to fuck this up and lose her." 

"Believe me, you won't. Cynthia is still obsessed with you and I know because she talks about you all the time when we play Animal Crossing. Actually, she won't shut up about you." 

"Ew," Lee Know mumbled. 

"It's cute!" Felix continued. "She's very sweet and really likes you. You have nothing to worry about. I think you could only fuck it up by-" 

"Choking to death on your steak," Lee Know interrupted. 

"Or maybe knocking over your glass of red wine and destroying her dress," Han added. 

A new voice came into the room. "Who knows, maybe she'll finally realize how ugly you are and run for the hills." 

Seungmin rolled his eyes and adjusted his suit. "That's so not funny, Innie." 

Han reached over to try and grab a chip again. Once more, Lee Know jerked them from his grip. "Mine! Get your own bag!" 

"But we don't have any more of those kinds!" 

"Maybe you should have considered that before sneaking into our dorm and eating them all at three in the morning!" 

Han pouted and Lee Know stuck his tongue out at him. I.N pulled out a tie and glanced between Felix and Seungmin. Seungmin nodded and squirmed out of his jacket. Felix helped him take it off and I.N began to pull the matching black tie around Seungmin's neck.

"Sounds like someone has been spending too much time with their cats and now they've turned into a grumpy one."

"Every single day, I think he turns into a cat a little more," Felix glanced up. His eyes fell on Lee Know and he smiled. "That's okay, we love you anyway, hyung. Even if you're a little bossy and stern, we know you mean well." Lee Know couldn't stop his eyes from softening. 

While he was distracted, Han slipped his hand into the bag of chips. He successfully pulled out a chip and threw it into his mouth. While chewing, he stopped when he saw Lee Know shooting him a glare. Felix shook his head and took his attention back to I.N and Seungmin. Instantly after Han swallowed, Lee Know pounced on him and Han shrieked. 

The rest of the guys paid little attention as the two began to play fight. Once I.N finished tying the tie and straightening it, he stepped back. "It looks really good. You look sharp and dashing." 

"Better than dull and slow, I guess." 

"You know what I mean, you look good." 

"Yeah, kind of like one of those mob bosses. I think the messy hair look was the way to go. You're gonna kill her with this look, I swear," Felix gushed. "You're going to be the talk of the whole steakhouse." 

"That'd be my worst nightmare actually." 


"Any weapons on you?" I.N joked. 

Without missing a beat, Seungmin responded instantly. "Just my mouth." 

There was a short pause before the rest of the room erupted into laughter. 

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