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He forgot what it felt like to have a crush on someone. The quickened pitter-patter of his heart that threatened to burst and the easy embarrassment that stained his cheeks crimson. He forgot that every touch caused butterflies to dance in his stomach. This light and mellow feeling, he wanted it to last forever.

By the time Lee Know pulled up, in front of the coffee shop, they were still holding hands. Their fingers were secured around each other and the other hand held each of their preferred drinks. Seungmin ordered Cynthia's french vanilla latte and ordered himself an iced americano.

When Lee Know put the car in park, Seungmin let go of Cynthia's hand and opened the back door for her. She climbed inside, with a gut full of nerves, and sat down behind the passenger's seat. He shut the door and debated on going around the car and sitting beside her on the bench seat.

After a bit of reconsideration, he decided against it. He didn't want to be overbearing like Flora had been. He ripped open the passenger side door and climbed inside. Lee Know's hand was slung across the steering wheel. His eyes met Seungmin's when he saw the coffee.

"So you got coffee?"

"Yes, and?"

"Not one for me?"

"I didn't even think about it."

"Harsh. I think I deserve an americano for getting up and coming to pick the two of you up. Consider it the Lee Know tax. That reminds me-" He slung an arm around Seungmin's head rest and turned around in his seat to face Cynthia.

Her eyes were wide with alarm as the two stared at each other. Lee Know silently blinked and observed her for a moment before he spoke. "Hi, I'm Lee Know."

Cynthia slowly nodded her head. Lee Know turned back around to face the windshield. "I don't know if you remember, but I'm the one with the three cats." He put the car in drive and began to steer back into the street.

"Soonie, Doongie, and Dori?"

He hit the brakes instantly and jerked his head to face her. "You remember them?"

", but I've watched your vlogs. The doctor said it's helpful for me to watch short videos and work on remembering what they're about to help improve my memory. I spent about a week trying to remember the names of your cats."

"They're gonna be so happy to hear that they're helping your brain heal. You'll have to meet them again because you don't remember meeting them. You're going to love them! They always liked you more than Seungmin."

"Hey!" Seungmin pushed his lips out in a pout. "That's not true, they liked us evenly."

"Nuh-uh! They don't like you because you're a dog and the-"

"Seungmin's a dog?" Cynthia interrupted, feeling a bit confused.

Both Seungmin and Lee Know glanced at each other before Seungmin started to speak. "No, it's like an ongoing joke with our fanbase. They think I act like a puppy an-"

"He does. He totally does. He gets the zoomies and everything. I can't wait to watch you experience it because you'll probably think it looks stupid."

Seungmin threw his head back with a groan. He felt like a teenager bringing home his crush to a parent. He didn't know Cynthia's feelings about him, but he didn't want to chase her away. He wasn't going to try to paint himself a certain way like Flora did.

He was going to authentically and originally be himself. If Cynthia didn't like that, there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't want to confuse her and create more of an issue. He still needed to find out what Flora told her and set the story straight.

There was so much to do. Plus, he needed to figure out the name of her doctor and attempt to straighten out the situation. Someone needed to take her to all her appointments and make sure she was on the right track to heal. It was something he hadn't fully prepared himself for yet.

"It's alright, I think I like dogs. I mean, I don't think I'd like Hyunjin's dog. Hyunjin's dog sounds like a bit of a handful."

"You know about Hyunjin's dog?" There was a hint of jealousy in Seungmin's voice. It was oblivious to Cynthia, but obvious to Lee Know. Lee Know, quite literally, shot him a quick warning glare.

"He told me about Kkami when we were on the phone once. I've watched some of his vlogs with Hyunjin. I don't think he listens very well."

"Oh, he listens, just not to Hyunjin. I don't listen to Hyunjin either. Just wait until you find out that I stuffed tissues in Hyunjin's mouth and I-"

"Woah, okay, don't scare her. Hyung, she's going to think you'll come after her with tissues. We don't want to cause her any harm. Lee Know is being a bit dramatic."

"No, I'm not! Hwang Hyunjin's only purpose in this life is to be a pain in my ass." Lee Know threw up his hands in defeat. "He's certainly karma from a past life. What did I do to deserve this? Who knows. Maybe I was just cursed at birth."

Seungmin rolled his eyes unamused. "Ignore what he's saying, Cynthia, he won't harm you. None of the guys will because everyone has a soft spot for you."


Seungmin opened his sun visor and pulled back the cover, so he could see Cynthia. His eyes went back to view her. She was curled into herself on the seat behind him. One arm was around her waist and the other held her insulated coffee cup.

He couldn't be sure, but it seemed like she was on the verge of holding back tears. He didn't know how to comfort her with words. Not when he was up in the front seat and she was behind him. His brain whirled trying to come up with a way to fix things.

"Yes, really. You felt like everyone's younger sister. Technically, you're the youngest out of all of us. You got along well with everyone and I like to think it's because you liked to bake us items. You and Felix are like two of the same soul, I swear."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It's a really good thing," Lee Know continued. "Better to have a double Felix than a double Hyunjin. I could handle a thousand Lee Felix's, but never two Hwang Hyunjin's." 

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