chapter 19

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With the things brought out by Yuan Li, the generals felt a great burden lifted from their shoulders. They no longer rushed on the road and had the mood to chat and laugh.

On the way, Chu Hechao occasionally glanced at Yuan Li with an inexplicable expression.

Yuan Li remained calm and leisurely, swaying on his horse with a hint of cunning in his smile.

Guo Lin approached and reported the families that had caught up from behind.

Liu Jixin's wife and children were in Luoyang, and they quickly caught up and joined the army from a distance behind.

Apart from Liu Jixin's family, other servants who wanted to bring their families to Youzhou were allowed by Yuan Li as long as their family members were deemed capable of enduring the long journey.

In addition to the three hundred warriors, Yuan Li also brought along the craftsmen from the soap workshop and the dried soap products. Most of these craftsmen chose to bring their families along.

If possible, Yuan Li also wanted to bring his parents with him.

However, it was not practical.

Not to mention that Yuan Song was the magistrate of Ruyang County and couldn't leave without reason. Even considering Yuan Song and Madam Chen's physical conditions, they might not be able to withstand the long journey. Moreover, taking them to Youzhou would not be safer than staying in Ruyang. Ruyang County had fields, food, troops, and city walls, and it was close to Luoyang. It could be considered a place that could ensure their safety in troubled times.

Yuan Li nodded, making a mental note to have Guo Lin take good care of these families.

After Guo Lin stepped back, Wang Er hesitantly approached Yuan Li.

"Lord," Wang Er occasionally glanced back at Wu Kai, his expression hesitant. "Do you know that strong man?"

Yuan Li glanced back and saw Wu Kai sitting obediently on the horse, with bedding and grass mats strapped to his body and the horse's back, clattering as if they were fleeing.

He asked in return, "Do you know him?"

Wang Er lowered his voice and said, "Lord, when we ambushed that corrupt official and took his goods, this strong man helped us."

Yuan Li turned his head to look at him. "He helped you?"

Wang Er affirmed, "On that day, we were ambushing in the mountains. We were outnumbered by the corrupt official and his men. Then, this strong man appeared with more than twenty brothers and joined us in killing the corrupt official's gang. We thought they were after the goods as well, but after killing them, this strong man left with his men without saying a word. Today is the second time I've seen him."

After listening to Wang Er, Yuan Li called Wu Kai over and asked him with a friendly tone, "Did you help them rob the goods before?"

Wu Kai glanced at Wang Er and nodded with some embarrassment, lowering his head.

Yuan Li said, "Did Chu Mingfeng send you?"

Wu Kai nodded silently once again.

Yuan Li asked him to step back and then asked Wang Er a peculiar question, "On the day we met on Santou Mountain, who told you to enter the mountain?"

It seemed as if Yuan Li was certain that someone had told Wang Er to enter the mountain.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Er remembered that there was indeed such a person. "It was a passing hunter. He told me that it was easy to catch prey on Santou Mountain, and there were few wild beasts in the mountains. I was tempted and asked him for the way into the mountain, so I led my brothers into the mountain to hunt."

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