chapter 42

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From the second day onwards, Wu Kai and Wang Er began training the cavalry using the methods taught by Yuan Li.

There were many things to be trained daily, but not a single person complained or felt tired because what Yuan Li provided them was really good.

Each person had a horse, each person had a set of clothes, and the daily two meals turned into three meals, where they could eat to their heart's content. They also received an egg every day and a meat meal every three days. Such treatment was not even enjoyed by the junior and middle-ranking military officers!

In just a few days, the soldiers were already deeply grateful to Yuan Li.

Some soldiers came from impoverished families and wanted to save the eggs to bring home for their families to eat. However, when Yuan Li discovered this situation, he ordered that everyone must eat the eggs on the same day, prohibiting any hoarding or hiding of eggs.

He provided the eggs in order to improve their physical condition, replenish their protein, and make them stronger and more powerful, thus forming a strong cavalry force. If they took the things home to feed others, wouldn't Yuan Li be wasting money?

He also ordered that if anyone repeatedly made mistakes, they would be directly expelled from his cavalry camp.

As soon as this statement was made, no one dared to hide the eggs anymore.

Once they adapted to immediate combat, Yuan Li had them train in the morning and dispatched them in batches in the afternoon to start eliminating nearby bandits as practice.

Zhong Ji also knew that this matter couldn't be rushed. When he saw Yuan Li taking action, he could only patiently wait.

After the autumn harvest, tax revenues from various regions were sent to Ji County.

Because Chu Hechao and Yuan Li were both stationed in Youzhou and had recently suppressed the White Rice Gang as a deterrent, the local officials didn't dare to make any moves this time. They obediently sent the tax revenues over.

After Yuan Li finished reviewing the account books, he showed a satisfied smile, but then sighed.

Liu Jixin found it amusing and said, "Lord, your smile and sigh have left me a bit confused."

"I'm smiling because I'm pleased with the harvest and tax revenues this time. No one dared to conceal or under report them," Yuan Li lamented regretfully, then winked at him. "I'm sighing because they were too honest this time, and I can't find a reason to dismiss them."

Liu Jixin chuckled. "Lord, you are truly demanding."

While the two were joking, a servant rushed in from outside. "Young Master, the General has captured a tiger and two starving wolves. They are currently in the training ground!"

A tiger and starving wolves?

Yuan Li and Liu Jixin exchanged a glance, then stood up and walked out.

In the training ground, two large iron cages were placed in the center. Chu Hechao's personal guards were stationed around the cages, while soldiers gathered around to watch.

As Yuan Li approached, the guards stepped aside, allowing him to get closer to the two cages.

In the left cage was a magnificent tiger with vibrant stripes and a robust physique, while the right cage contained two gray-black wolves with eyes gleaming green.

One of the wolves among the two had a leg injury and was being protected by the other wolf. The other wolf was crouched down and constantly baring its teeth to threaten the tiger through the iron cage.

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