chapter 87

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... There is one more person worth seeking refuge with, and that is Chen Wang, Chen Liu.

However, Xiang Hongyun quickly dismissed Chen Wang as an option.

Firstly, Chen Wang was already old and had four sons vying for power, making it a complicated situation. Secondly, he was like a duck on land, greatly disliking water, while the rivers and waterways in the Jiangdong region were intricate and extensive.

After careful consideration, Xiang Hongyun narrowed it down to two individuals: Governor Wu Shanshi of Yizhou and Governor Yuan Li of Youzhou.

But Xiang Hongyun soon ruled out Yuan Li.

He was merely curious about Yuan Li. Being young, Yuan Li had ascended to the position of a provincial governor at the age of nineteen, and when the news spread, people across the realm ridiculed the Chu family for being foolish. Xiang Hongyun himself had faced numerous doubts and hardships due to his young age, so he could somewhat empathize with Yuan Li.

However, Xiang Hongyun was quite arrogant himself, looking down on the common people who held prejudices against talented individuals based on their age. Despite the empathy, Yuan Li had not yet reached a point where he could attract Xiang Hongyun's attention.

After contemplating for a moment, he decided to go to Yizhou and seek refuge with Governor Wu Shanshi.

After faithfully sending a letter to Qin Meng on behalf of Qin Pei, Xiang Hongyun left another letter and packed his belongings before embarking on the journey north.

However, while passing through Yanzhou, he encountered Zhang Liangdong, a great scholar who had fled from Luoyang.

Naturally, one would pay a visit upon encountering a great scholar. After visiting Zhang Liangdong, Xiang Hongyun learned that Zhang Liangdong was heading to Youzhou as well.

Xiang Hongyun had doubts and asked, "Master, your reputation as a scholar is renowned throughout the realm, and wherever you go, the local governors will treat you well. Your students are also well-off in Qingzhou, Yangzhou, and other areas. Why travel such a long distance to Youzhou?"

It was already midsummer, and the heat was unbearable. Zhang Liangdong wiped away his sweat while sitting in the carriage, and his beard was dampened by the sweat. He smiled and said, "I have had correspondence with Ouyang Ting and Yuan Li. As an old man, I also have some understanding of the situation in the realm. Although my students are filial, they are not rulers of a region. I don't want to cause trouble for them. Although Youzhou is located in a remote area, Yuan Li has governed it well, and it is currently flourishing. When I was idle at home before, he had invited me to visit Youzhou several times. Although I was tempted, I never acted on it. Now, my wish is finally fulfilled..."

Perhaps because Yuan Li was a disciple that Zhang Liangdong had missed out on, he could never forget him. Whenever Yuan Li was mentioned, Zhang Liangdong couldn't help but praise him, "Yuan Le Jun is someone I know well. I know what kind of person he is. This child has a pure heart, treats people sincerely and kindly, and cares for the people of the realm. His own abilities are also praiseworthy. Although he is young, his achievements are remarkable. I am taking my family to seek refuge with him, and I am at ease."

Xiang Hongyun nodded thoughtfully.

Initially, he thought that Zhang Liangdong's constant praise of Yuan Li in the capital was a political maneuver to establish Yuan Li's reputation in the central government. But now it seemed that Zhang Liangdong was sincerely praising Yuan Li.

Zhang Liangdong also had to pass through Yizhou, so the two of them continued their journey together. After spending a few days together, Zhang Liangdong grew fond of Xiang Hongyun and invited him to temporarily stay in Youzhou. After some consideration, Xiang Hongyun accepted the invitation.

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