chapter 114

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Although they put on a show of being spiritualists and used some superstitious methods... cough, but after explaining the situation to their trusted confidants, Yuan Li felt as relaxed as when he successfully came out of the closet. He couldn't contain his joyous smile and even had an extra bowl of rice during lunch. Chu Hechao was no different. After finishing their meal, Chu Hechao suddenly lifted Yuan Li and carried him back to the room, throwing him onto the bed.

Feeling dizzy from being thrown, Yuan Li hadn't even reacted before Chu Hechao pounced on him.

A torrent of passionate kisses rained down, as if Chu Hechao wanted to devour Yuan Li entirely. The kisses were intense, fiery, and ignited their desire like a spark igniting dry tinder, effortlessly setting their longing ablaze.

Yuan Li tightly gripped Chu Hechao's back with his fingers, and a restless hand made its way into Chu Hechao's clothes. After a while, Chu Hechao finally pulled away.

Yuan Li's clothes were disheveled, his eyes were reddened from the fervent kisses, and his lips were flushed, making him look pitiful and adorable.

Chu Hechao stared at him with unwavering intensity, his eyes burning with desire. He quickly removed his own clothes, revealing his strong and muscular figure, with bulging muscles on his back rising and falling like mountains.

Kneeling on the edge of the bed, his pants accentuated the toned muscles of his thighs, and his posture was imposing, somewhat intimidating.

Returning to his senses from the passionate kisses that had overwhelmed him, Yuan Li saw Chu Hechao undressing and blinked in surprise. "Why are you taking off your clothes?"

Chu Hechao, shirtless, started to unfasten his belt and replied with a smirk, "To do you."

The abruptness of these two words rendered Yuan Li completely frozen. "What?"

Chu Hechao looked up, his eyes glinting playfully. "Didn't you say we are already a married couple?"

Suddenly, Yuan Li became nervous, wanting to crawl down from the bed immediately. But as he placed his hands on the bed, he remembered that Chu Hechao was still in his mourning period, so... could they do it?

He realized that Chu Hechao was just teasing him. Chu Hechao was just a paper tiger, and he had nothing to fear.

Feeling amused, Yuan Li chuckled inwardly and decided not to avoid it anymore. He simply laid back and said, "Sure, why not."

"..." Chu Hechao, who was pulling at his belt, raised his head and stared at him strangely. "What did you say?"

With a smile, Yuan Li sat up and pretended to take off his own clothes. "I said, sure."

Chu Hechao stared at his shoulders, squinting but not moving.

Extending his foot, Yuan Li's ankle accidentally got entangled with Chu Hechao's gray belt. It then dangled on Chu Hechao's thigh.

"Brother," Yuan Li lowered his voice, lying sideways on the bed and propping his head up with an innocent expression, "why don't you continue undressing?"

Chu Hechao lowered his head, slowly tracing his foot from the tip upward, eventually seeing the exposed collarbone of Yuan Li.

His fair and healthy skin revealed a large expanse, firm and supple, with a deep collarbone adorned by a few rebellious black hairs.

Unknowingly, the youth had grown into an incredibly attractive young man.

He was beautiful, charismatic, and brave. In Chu Hechao's eyes, he was irresistibly charming.

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