Chapter 01.

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"Please I'm begging you, please save him. "

The moon was at its peak, full and bright, perhaps brighter than normal. The night was Chilly wind blowing slowly, carrying whispers and secrets of the night with it. If you listened closely you could hear the sorrow the agony and the pain of the fallen. The clouds seemed to be sharing the winds narrative as they moved in the sky rhythmically, it wasn't a storm cloudy night but not a single star was on sight. Perhaps that's what made that night special.

Miles deep in the forest, a sketchy looking cabin lay. The owner was even more sketchy. They were  a creature that no one truly knew nor understood. They were neither a she nor a he, not old nor young, not human nor animal, not witch nor fairy, not even a vampire nor a werewolf. No this creature was simply that a creature. Rumors had it that it was a high breed an abomination, had powers powerful enough to raise the dead. Some even said that it had devil blood,  but none truly knew ,none ever saw its face, and for 500 years it had become a fairly tail, a story to sacre children.

But desperation is a dangerous thing, it pushes you to make rush decisions and pursue fairly tails. Because of a what if.... a maybe.... a wish....

A heavily pregnant woman and her husband tightly crutched by her side, tried desperately to make their way into the same forest, in search of something, redemption.
They had spent months looking for a map a clue even, for the long forgotten creature,  for it was their last hope.

After the devastating news, the woman unlike the husband refused to believe. And when she believed she refused to accept. There was no way she could, she refused to sit and wait . She was about to be a mother for crying out loud she was going to do everything in her power to change fate. Even if that meant going against all their beliefs and chasing a fairly tail, then so be it.
The man being in love, later found himself helping his crazed wife, for better for worse right!?

The forest seemed to grow thicker and thicker as they venture deeper. It was as though trying to keep them out, but determination made a way somehow.

There they were, in front of a sketchy cabin that they believed that the creature resided in, according to all the research they had done.

The inside held secrets of history itself, the air around made the bravest quiver, they had made it there was no turning back.

"Visitors uhmmmh its been long since I had a viiiiisitor" a raspy slitherly voice said. To say they were terrified would be an under statement, but fate was even scarier to them, so it had to be done.

"Oh great creature of the night please forgive us for intruding but we need your help" the woman holding on to her husband with one hand and the other placed protectively on her swollen belly, said in a shaky breathy terrified voice. Her husband was also scared but was on high alert in case he had to protect his wife and unborn child.

The creature seemed to emerge from the darkness as it slowly limped towards the couple who were rooted to the ground afraid to make any movements.
" the wind told me eeeeeverything" a boney hand reached out from its shadowy clothes towards the woman's belly.

The husband sprung into action but was quickly held by black tree veins that also seemed to emerge from the darkness.

" spare him please oh great creature, I swear we mean no harm " the woman quickly defended her husband. He was protective of her especially now, so she understood his actions but they may cost them their lives.

"The price to be paid is high, are you suuure" the creature said, completely ignoring the husband who was now struggling with the tree veins that tightened with every movement.

The woman was desperate and at that moment no price was too high, she could give anything.

"Please I'm begging you, please save him " she was in tears by now, with a soft voice barely above a whisper added, " I will give anything, ju...just him "

"Am eye,an ear, nose  mouth?" The creature asked his voice raising with every word as he elevated into the air. The wind blowing stronger by the second appearing darker.

"An eye" the woman said out loud,  she knew it was the price but deep down she had a feeling that wasn't all, a price high enough!

"An eye and a life, let it be done!" The creature's voice had gone almost demonic. The winds where at full blown ,the whispers of the night seemed louder the fog darker, a nerve wrecking scream tore into the night, a storm blew on the cabin lightening struck a tree near  breaking it into two, it was chaotic, unnatural horrifically terrifying and then ........Silence.

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